Chapter 4 | Ignorance is Bliss?

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While continuing to imagine those beautifully romantic scenarios, she eventually fell asleep. Oh Ishita, don't you think this is way too much? He just said few words and you're overthinking? Do you think he'll fall in love because you added him on social media? How silly right?

Bhalla Residence

Saturday 9.00am

Raman moved in his sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he started opening his eyes slowly while yawning. He saw his laptop beside him on the bed. Then he remembered that he slept off while thinking whether he should request to be Ishita's friend on Facebook. He quickly logged out and checked his phone if he got any text messages. He ignored Ishita's request on Facebook🙄How dumb of you Raman🙄🙄

He then opened Instagram. He saw that a person followed him. And a toothpaste ad-worthy smile crept up his face when he saw that the person was his Ishu😍He wanted to follow her back too, but then he said "If I follow back, it'll be as if I'm too interested in her. Therefore I'll just let her follow me." Showing ego at wrong times, Raman. Now you know why your Ishu calls you Ravan😂

Raman kept his phone aside, and went to shower. After taking a refreshing shower, he had pancakes with maple syrup and a glass of orange juice. He then started to do all his school work that he missed when he was in Mumbai.

Iyer Residence

Saturday 12.30pm

Ishita finally woke up. She's lucky enough that Vishwa and Madhu do not spoil her beauty sleep on weekends. Well, except when it's nearing to her examinations, then it's a different case. She quickly logged in her Instagram and Facebook as if it were newspapers😂But sadly, she didn't see Raman's response on both the social media. Since she's an overly optimistic person, she said "Maybe he's tired or he just didn't login. I'll wait a bit longer. Maybe a day? Or 2? Or maybe a few more?" And she went to shower. After her shower she had her brunch.

Ishita already completed all her homework, so it was a rest and relax kinda weekend for her. All she did was watch TV to kill her time while waiting for Raman to add her back so she can stalk him even more. Ishita is a stalker okay, you don't call it investigating😂She took a screenshot of the picture where Raman standing at the Taj Mahal. All she did was drool at how hot her Ravan was😍🔥

It was already evening and she got sick of waiting for her Ravan to respond. While scrolling through her Instagram feed, she saw that Raman posted a picture of his homework 1 minute ago. She clicked 'Like' without hesitating a bit. Then she realized that he didn't even to follow back. "How rude! He's ignoring me on purpose. Ravan Bhalla!", she huffed. Well Ishita, you're calling him Ravan for a reason. She concluded that Raman suddenly started a conversation to make sure she remembers what happened in the part and that he's ignoring her requests on purpose. You're right Ishita, for once.

Bhalla Residence

Raman was having his tea in his garden after completing his homework. His phone beeped. He saw Ishita's like for his picture. An evil smile crept up his handsome face. "Haha, she immediately liked it. She's waiting for my response on her request on social media. Wait Ishu, wait. You'll know how hard it was for me when you didn't bother speaking to me on the last day of 6th grade and after entering this school. How much I suffered to erase our sweet memories, but I just couldn't. I didn't forget any till now. It plays as my dream every single night. It's your turn now to go through the same thing.", he said to himself.

That night, Raman was scrolling through Instagram. He decided to stalk his Ishu's profile. He saw that she posted a picture few hours ago with the caption saying "Hi! Just created my account! Instagram is kinda normal, I guess🤷🏻‍♀️" That evil smile came on Raman's face again. "Wow, she created just to stalk me, how pathetic. I'm just gonna ignore, let me see if she has my level of patience", he said.

2 weeks later

Ishita got tired of waiting. So she texted him a 'hi' on Facebook Messenger. And guess what? He ignored her😒Raman can you please appreciate your Ishu's efforts. She tried starting a convo, why don't you continue? Egoistic bitch!🙄The next day, Ishita's class teacher was searching for someone near her class corridor. Ishita approached her teacher. "Teacher, who are you searching for? Can I help" "Oh Ishita thank god you came. I was searching for this boy by the name of Raman Bhalla. I need to ask him to collect the books and put them on my table", the teacher said. Ishita was jumping with joy inside, but physically, she maintained a normal expression. "No problem teacher, I'll ask him to see you right now. Just give me a minute", saying that, she left to Raman's class. Raman was right in front of her.

"Um... Raman!", Ishita called. Raman turned immediately because he knew the owner of that sweet voice. A small smile crept u'p his face. He was thinking that shell confess her love for him at that moment. But, he was wrong😂"Huh?", he said. "My class teacher... uh... she's looking for you... right there", Ishita said while pointing at the teacher. Raman was disappointed. "Oh", he said. "Go quickly... If not... She'll scold", Ishita said. Raman left without even bother saying a 'thanks' to her. "Omg!!! I talked to him!! I can't believe this!! I'm surprised I managed to talk because I was too busy admiring the hot person that was in front of me. But oh well, I did it!!"

Ishita couldn't sleep that night. She was still excited about the fact that she gathered courage to start a conversation with Raman. She continued imagining stuff that she wished it'll happen in future with her Ravan. She was imagining how amazing their wedding would be, and she fell asleep. That was her daily routine already.

Beautiful imagination you have there Ishita😍😍

What's gonna happen?

Will Raman respond to her activities on social media?

To be continued😏

Part 5 coming soon😊


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