{Chapter 03} Touya 'Black' Hilbert

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Writing to Kazira2207 to continue this fic...

Kazira2207; wtf, people are still reading my crap???

Me; IT ISN'T CRAP IF IT IS A POTENTIAL MASTERPIECE! *throws work at the author*


Red came back from the other store, finding Gold all alone, metal bat in hand. Red was not an idiot, he knew something was up and he was positive someone other than Gold was there. But at the same time, because he was not an idiot, he knew better that Gold would never give a direct answer.

"Dead end at yours too?" Gold lied through his teeth.


Nothing, in particular, looked off or out of place. Just Gold with a metal bat swaying in his hand looking like he was about to hit a bitch. Hard.

"Welp, nothing seems to be stolen." Gold swung the metal bat to rest on his shoulder. His face then scrunched up when he saw the lock. "Guess we have to replace that with a new one."

"To be fair, it was an old lock," Red said.

"Yeah and a rusted one too. It had to be replaced sooner or later." Gold sighed, muttering about using the shop's funds to replace the equally rusty old door to a new one altogether. Better safe than sorry.

"I'll pay for it if you want," Red offered. It was something less than a hundred bucks. He could cover for it.

"Thank you, my rich big brother," Gold said, eyes sparkling, "but I have to owe you one. And I want to live a life without it."

Red fake gasped. "This is an honest donation as a loyal customer for all your three shops!"

"Hush it, actor," Gold rolled his eyes and pointed his bat in Red's direction. "You can't trick me to crossdress anytime soon so don't test your luck."

"Damn, I've been found," Red said, devastated.

"You know my family's money can cover up everything, so don't worry about it," Gold said.

Yeah, Red helped with counting their money just now, they had more than enough money to go by. Especially with Gold's dad's job and all. The business was going well so this family did not need his help, ever.

"Ah, let's just have dinner," Gold said, carrying the bat with him out from the back door.

"So just leave the place like this?" Red asked.

"I'll tell the guys about it tomorrow. Right now I'm hungry."

"Gold," Red called and Gold stopped his tracks. "Be honest with me, did you saw nothing?"

Gold was silent, his back was facing Red so he couldn't tell what face this guy was making.

"Of course I saw nothing," Gold said, turning around to see Red, a smile on his face. "Why would I lie to you?"

Suspicious. But he was right on one account, Gold wouldn't tell him the truth no matter how much he asked. So it was fruitless.

Red shook his head and slung his arm around Gold's shoulders. "What's for dinner?"

"We have to go and find out ourselves."

Oh well, maybe he couldn't get what he wanted this time but it can wait.


Touya wasn't a genius, that was no secret. But Ethan? He was a genius alright. A humble one too. Ethan was just too smart for someone who had a reckless personality. Like, how else were you able to run three shops on a daily basis?!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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