{Chapter 02} Satoshi 'Red' Tajiri

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Chapter 02
Satoshi 'Red' Tajiri

Twenty two hundred hours.

The time when all stores in the neighborhood close.

Gold already checked everything, locking up and made sure that they locked up everything twice.

Right now, the golden eyed raven was sitting criss cross on the floor of his living room behind a Japanese low table. His house was the only floor above the three shops so there was plenty of room to walk.

Despite the shops being decorated with a modern theme, the house the Hibiki family lived in was one with a traditional Japanese setting. Everything there was mostly made of wood and only the main entryway wasn't a sliding door.

Gold had the TV turned on while he was counting their incomes, something Crystal decided he should took care of when she took off. Apparently no one else in the house understood how financials worked.

"Ethan Hibiki!" His mom shouted from the kitchen. There wasn't a reason for her to call out his name like that, it was a way so he would pay attention. "Will you answer the door for me?"

"Alright mom!" He responded, leaving all the notes from today's sales on the table.

Gold went through the dining room to get to the walkway towards the entrance. Their bell broke a few days ago and wasn't replaced since they didn't get that many guests.

When Gold unlocked the door, he was hoping for his father but in the end it was none other than his pretty boy neighbor who finally decided to get his ass home.

"Oh, you're back," Gold said bluntly after long weeks of absence.

The teenager in front of him was tall that it towered Gold somewhat, staring down at him with red eyes. Slowly he began to say; "I came home after three weeks and that's what you say?"

"Cleaning a room other than mine everyday is troublesome," Gold spat. The golden eyed teen turned around on the way back towards the living room. "Well are you going in?"

"Sorry for intruding."

Gold saw his mom peeking out from the kitchen, spatula still in hand. "Ah, Satoshi-kun, you're back! How's your current condition with the entertainment industry?"

"Tiring," the red eyed raven responded before he slid the door open to the living room.

"Well, you're always welcome here!" The woman cheered.

Ethan went back to his previous position, continuing where he left off - the bills and also their supply. Obviously, the restaurant was consuming almost half of the income for food restocking.

"Don't tower me Red, you make me feel short," Gold said when Red stood beside him.

Red sat down and looked through the work as Gold bit on the end of a pencil while calculating their budget using a calculator on one hand.

"Business is rising," Red said once he went through the data.

"I heard your line of work has been doing well too," Gold replied. "Even though you lied through your teeth, I couldn't believe people fell for your interview. 'Cute and Short girls'? More like 'Sexy and tall guys'."

"I can't believe you're mean towards your brother," Red gasped.

"You're my neighbor, one that stops by every single time when you're bored," Gold pointed out, waving his pencil in front of his face.

"I think that should qualify enough to be your brother," Red said which made Gold rolled his eyes and continued counting their budget.

"How can the world accept the fact that Satoshi Tajiri, the famous almost emotionless model in the entertainment industry actually can pull off a goofy smiling face?" Gold asked the heavens above. The golden eyed teen remembered the times when Red would come over and play around, relentlessly teasing him.

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