I picked up the piece of paper. Neat handwriting in pretty gel ink was on the small piece of paper and when I read it a smile lit my face up. Embry told me last night that I could call him if I ever needed a ride to college. And right now I wanted a ride to college. And Embry's phone number was on this piece of paper. I went over to my phone and unlocked it before bringing up the phone number and going into dial before putting in the number and then I hit call and it began to ring.

"Hello." He sounded the same on the phone. "I, uh." "Who is this?" Embry asked his tone seeming quite bored. "Violet." The phone went silent for a moment. "Violet, it's nice of you to call me. What do you need?" His tone went instantly to a cheery one once I told him my name. ". . . A ride." I answered biting my lip. "To college?" Embry asked. "Yes." "I'll come pick ya up, I'm leaving now. Are you ready?" Embry asked. "Yes." I answered and I could imagine him smiling. "I'll see you there. Bye." "Bye." Then Embry hung up.

I looked at Onyx who was looking at me as I went and grabbed my bag. The bag held notebooks, Onyx's treats, some pens and pencils and my lunch money. I put the bag around me before hooking Onyx up then putting his muzzle on and he didn't look all that pleased about it, but he needed it. Holding his leash I headed outside keeping a firm grip on his leash. I headed outside and looked around as I decided to sit down outside after locking the door and taking the keys to the apartment with me.

I took a seat on the steps as Onyx sat down next to me before laying down and I looked at the black colored wolf. His amber eyes were on the dark streets. It was around six PM, so the sun was going down and it looked very pretty. Onyx set his head on my lap and in response I let my ungloved hands rest on his back. His fur was very soft and comforting. I'd be working with him today. Just some basic obedience before I decided to do anything else. Make sure he would listen to me good.

Onyx and I sat there for twenty minutes before the familiar red car that Embry had pulled in. The window rolled down and I saw Embry. "You coming?" Embry asked his burnt amber eyes looking into my purple ones. I nodded before standing up and Onyx did as I dusted my pants off before walking over holding the jacket to me as Embry opened the door for me. I let Onyx jump into the back and Embry watched the wolf hybrid. I got in and closed the door before buckling up and Embry looked at me. Then he pulled away from the apartment.

The apartment slowly faded away from sight. "Thank you for picking me up." I told Embry feeling my cheeks tinge pink. Embry smiled. "I didn't give you my number for no reason." Embry said keeping his hand on the wheel. "I don't mind picking you up either. It's safer than walking to college. In the dark no less." Embry said looking out the window. I shrugged. I couldn't exactly afford a car. I had to focus on college and making sure I had food in my stomach. And now Onyx, a car was defiantly not in my mind nor was a license or permit.

Embry kept his eyes on the road as he continued driving leaving me in the silence. Embry glanced at me before turning the radio. The volume was low so it wasn't that disturbing, but it filled in the silence. "What classes are you taking?" I asked feeling awkward that there was nothing, but music playing. Embry looked at me. "Culinary and some business." Embry said and I nodded. "I thought of opening some restaurant in this town." Embry said shrugging his shoulders and I nodded. "Never thought of anything else." Embry said biting his lip.

"And your taking animal behavior." Embry stated looking at me and I nodded. "What do plan to do with that?" Embry asked. "I don't know yet. Maybe dog training." I answered and Embry nodded. "You have a nice candidate." Embry said looking at Onyx through the mirror and I nodded before settling into the seat. Embry began focusing more on the road as he sped up the car and I relaxed. Thankful that I wasn't walking this, almost tempted to make this a regular thing. Embry smiled at me as we settled in for the ride. This was very peaceful and I was happy I called Embry.


"So you live in a small apartment. In the outskirts of town. Miles away from college, near the woods and tend to walk places and half the intention to walk here?" Serene asked. Embry kept quiet for the most part when we arrived at college. I worked with Onyx some and caught him the down command which was good while Serene worked with the Clydesdale. Lunch was peaceful, minus the steely glares from Victor. Embry insisted that I sit next to him. I ended up getting a pizza and another strawberry milk while the rest got those red drinks.

Embry really didn't talk about where I lived or why he picked me up. But the group in a way tended to hang out around the campus after classes ended for an hour. It was like a free period where they just lounged around outside on campus. Then Desiree decided to ask why Embry picked me up from my place. I was hoping Embry would just say that he felt like it, but he didn't. He said that I lived out there with no vehicle. And would probably walk to college if I didn't call him and then this started.

All of them seemed dumbfounded at the fact I might of walked to college. And now Serene was chastising me on it. "So you have no license. . . or even a car?" Serene asked. I nodded. "And you live way out there?" Serene asked and I nodded once more. "Are you crazy?" Serene asked. "No." I answered. "We have a dorm if you decide that living that far out isn't the life. It's a big house. Four bedrooms." Serene said looking at Desiree and Patience. Patience was on her phone scrolling through some social media website.

And Desiree was staring at me with this lustful look on her face which made me nervous. "Yeah, thank you." I murmured and Serene nodded feeling accomplished. Embry looked over at me as Serene went talking to Seth who smiled at her. I could feel Victor's steely gaze still on me. "There is always room in my bed." Embry piped up and my cheeks flushed bright red at that. Embry technically just invited me to come sleep with him in his bed. And the worse part was that my mind considered it for a moment. Staying with Embry before I snapped out of it.

"Your bed is always open." Desiree responded. "No it's not." Embry said rolling his eyes making Desiree roll hers. "I'm quite possessive of my bed so be flattered." Embry said giving me this charming, seductive smile. A very cute one. I didn't respond to any of their offers, I was fine in my apartment. It may be away from the college, but it brought peace and quiet. My eyes shifted to Onyx who was laying down his head on his paws right behind me.

"You should just come over to our house and see what it's like. I'm sure at the end you'll want to stay there." Serene added in. "Yeah won't that be nice." Desiree said staring me down with this smirk. Embry watched her before giving her this glare. Patience looked over at me when that was said. She seemed very. . . innocent compared to the rest of them. Her blonde hair with the pink bottoms and the contradicting light mossy green eyes. She seemed quiet, yet sad in a way. But this tone of happiness as well as if she was in a land of bliss that was sad at the same time.

"You should come over." Patience speaking up bringing three people. Now I felt awkward if I told them no. And Embry seemed to be giving me a look that said he didn't mind me going over. And he was my ride. "I guess I'll come over." I said with a shrug before patting Onyx on the head. Serene smiled. "You'll enjoy it there. Maybe one day you'll get the other bedroom." Serene said with a happy smile and I nodded. It couldn't be that bad going there. I might even enjoy it. I smiled just a bit before relaxing my mind going to what would be happening later tonight.

2412. Hope your enjoying it so far! Don't worry some good action will happen in about 8 to ten chapters. He, he. Until next time shifters.

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