Oc birthday and update

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Hi everyone to day is my of birthday and I have a update

Hi everyone....

Sorry I have not been online a lot. I have had a lot going on in my life and things that dragged me down.  I have so my art and things to show you but I have been insecure lately. I always thought my art was getting bad and it got to points where in a day I couldnt work on wattpad anymore

If you all want more of me please follow me on discord

:Candii Nicole

Or join my server

Paradise 1

I am more active there and you all will see more of my writing and you all will be the first to see it.

If you don't know how to work discord ask Emeraldreaper on wattpad or pm me and I will help you

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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