Not Again Why?

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A breef little story

Everyone knows the story of Novia becoming a kid

Novia pov

As I was walking I started to find my ribbons that came off of my head and arm when I first became a kid. I had to change my clothes and good thing I keep a extra pair with me, but after three minutes of searching.... I found them I hold the red ribbons in my had It was the natural size it was when I am my self.

"Does this mean......"I Took my necklace off and look at my reflection in the diamond.

"I'm me again!" I cheered fixing my hair and tying the ribbon in my arm.

I suddendly heard a noise which made me bring my Lighting whip out ready to figh. No one moved...

As I went to the bush I felt my self getting smaller.

"Oh no.....My outfit!" I yelled trying to hold it together"

"Where is the noise coming from?" I asked my self

Base of art- Lucy

Lucy owned by"Hiro Mashima

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