Finding Out That You Were Right

Start from the beginning

(This is what you are wearing but your belly is a bit smaller than this)

Changing your clothes, you check your phone's time and it says 11:15 am. Jensen also texted you.

Jensen: "Hey baby. Hope you had a good night and are feeling better. Jared and I had a panel at 10:00. So when you wake up just meet us in the green room. Love you."

You: "Hey Jay. Heading to Green room now."

Jensen: "Sound's good. I'll have some food for your ready."

You: "Thank you. Love you, see you in a bit."

You locked your phone and took the elevator down to the floor level and snuck around all of the fans to get to the green room. Approaching the doors, you open them and all eyes are on you. "Good morning beautiful." Jensen greets you with a kiss and moves you to the table. "Morning everyone. Sorry for sleeping in, this one kept me up all night." You say while eating the food laid out for you. "Jensen, you didn't let the pregnant women sleep because of your needs. Not cool man." Jared said, drinking his iced coffee. "Ha Ha Jared. You're too funny. She meant the baby kept her up. But I could've kept her up too is she wanted." Jensen sent you a wink and you slapped his chest. He was obviously trying to forget about what happened last night, but you weren't going to forget.

The rest of the day went as usual...surprisingly playful in a sense. It was as if Jensen had actually forgot about what happened last night. You were a little upset that he did and confused to why you couldn't just talk to him but you have gained many insecurities through this pregnancy.  You had a few photo op sessions and so did the boys, keeping you distracted the whole day. You didn't have a meet and greet this time, so Minka took your time that  you usually had. Upset about not having your time with the fans, it was put towards a much needed rest in your hotel room.

"Hey, you see Jensen?" You asked a creation worker. After your hour nap, you wanted to hang with Jensen for a bit, maybe talk about last night before he had his panel with Jared. But you have been looking for him for over 20 minutes now. It was now 2:30 and there would be no time to have a decent talk or a quick bite to eat. Asking anyone in sight to help you still couldn't find him. As you were about to give up, you rounded a corner and saw something that caused your heart to squeeze tightly.

Jensen and Minka were kissing. His hands were on her forearms and her hands on either side of his face. The tears formed in your eyes and you brought one had up to your mouth and the other to your swollen belly. You let out a sob and the kissing broke. "(Y/n)! Oh no. No, no- This isn't what you think! Not at all! She forced me." Jensen started to walk towards you but you back away. "H-How could you! HOW COULD YOU!" You yelled through a sob and your chest tightened as you ran away.

You heard Jensen calling your name as you ran but you never looked back. You were right. She was right. Jensen was seeing her and was in love with her. "Oh god- I'm going to be sick." You jumped into one of the elevators and hit your floor. Your body was shaking and you were sweating all over. You began to get very dizzy and you lost balance of your feet, causing your body to bang into the wall. Whincing from the sudden hit, you cradled your stomach as you were approaching your door. But before you could get to your room, you ran into a very tall man.

"Woah, (Y/n)! What's wrong? Was that you who just whamed into the wall?" It was Jared. Thank God!  You nodded and began to fall but Jared caught you. He helped you into his room and set you on the couch. The tears were non stop and the squeeze was still tight around your heart. The blood was pounding in your head and your thought weren't shutting off, causing a headache to form. "(Y/n), sweetheart, what happened? Why are you like this? Your forehead is warm, and you're sweating, out of breath. You have to breath honey. Match my breathing." Jared grabbed your hand and placed it over your heart. "Match me. In and out. You can do it." But you shook your head no as you couldn't. Pulling your head away, you because to sob uncontrollably. "J- J- Jensen was kissing Minka. He l- loves her. I'm nothing an- anymore. I'm worthless." You cried and Jared's eyes glosses over and his face began to frown.  He grabbed your shaking body and held you tight in his arms. "I'm sure it was an accident." Jared cleared the hair out of your face and you were both interupted but a knock at the door.

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