Finding Out That You Were Right

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**Double Update Monday! I fly out to Ireland tomorrow and won't have connection while I'm over there. I'll be there for over a week so I'm going to post next Monday's chapter today!
Hope you like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments**


After shutting the light off, you fell asleep quickly. But, you jinxed yourself with Jared about waking up again because of the baby. They were moving all around and it caused your lower stomach to hurt, as well as your back, causing a headache to form. You sighed and got off the bed, hoping that walking will to the trick. Turning to face the bed, you see that Jensen isn't back yet. Whiping towards the clock it read 2:30 am. Running a hand down your face you began to move around the bed and the kicking only got worse. "Ugh! Baby, please," You rubbed your belly. "I know Daddy isn't here to sooth you but just please stop moving around." The baby calmed a bit but only again picked back up so you walked and walked and walked around. Giving up you collasped on the bed and started to cry. "I- I can't do this. I'm going to be a terrible mother. My husband is falling in love with another women. It- Its all too much. I- I can't anymore." You silently sobbed until you heard your door open. Figuring it was Jensen, your mood instanlty snapped and you became angry as you slid under the covers to show that you were sleeping.

You heard Jensen come into the room and stand near your face. Bending down to your face, Jensen brushed the hair out of your face. "You're up aren't you?" He asks and you nod, pushing his hand away from you. "Please. Just, Just don't touch me right now. I'm sweating like crazy and I'm not feeling the best right now so I'm just going to go crash on the couch." You moved past Jensen but he stops you. "Woah woah, no. I'll sleep on the couch if you wanna sleep alone. You need the bed. Better for you and the baby. You aren't feeling great either? What's up?" Jensen asks reaching out to touch you again. Shaking your head no, you move back to the bed. "Just nothing. Don't worry about me okay," You cover yourself up. "It's not like you would care about me anyway." You mumbled to yourself. "Babe, what's wrong?" Jensen asks being stubbon and not leaving the room. "I said nothing, okay? Please just go to the couch or just, go hang with Minka again or whatever. I don't care anymore Jensen. Goodnight." You turned your back to him and silence filled the room. "Uh, Minka? What?" Jensen asked you. "Nothing. Just, uh, n- never mind. Night." You move under the covers and turn your back to him. "Night baby girl. I love you." Jensen walks behind you, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.  Once you hear the door click close, you have to cover your mouth to quiet the sobs that were pouring from your mouth.

Needless to say, you hardly got any sleep that night. Back and forth, trying to get the best positions for your belly. Useless. You did always get the best sleeps with Jensen. But you couldn't look at him without thinking of Minka. That bitch. She's ruined so much. Sighing, you get off the bed and the warm morning rays hit your face. Taking in the sweet flordia air you hop in the shower feeling gross from sweating all night.

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