7 working on your new powers with slendey

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Its been  two weeks since your voice did that glitch and you've been thinking that maybe something happen in the past.

Hopefully your remember. Anyway back to reality today's the day you practice on controlling your teleportation, and mind reading powers with slendy. Which you need badly because the last time you accidentally teleport  you somehow made to the South pole, and it took you a over week to get home.(haha)

Time skip to training.

"Y/n it is time for training" slendy said

You happily ran as fast as you could to the training yard, where slendy was. After an hour of training on your teleportation you finally got it down.

"Now time for working on your mind reading skill "he said as BEN walked out there" you will be testing it out on BEN here OK"

You nod your head and started focusing on BEN.

'Zalgo am I bored, what to do after this... I'll just hide Jeff's knife in Jane's room, that'll start a fight for sure" BEN said in his Head

You laugh to let slender know you did without giving BENs prank away.

Time skip cause training is boring

After reading BEN mind for a few minutes you two was dismissed but slender wanted to see you at 6:30 so you had an hour and a half. So you asked BEN if you could help with the prank and he said yes.

So he stole Jeff's knife while you put them in Jane's room. After the prank you two play till  six cause Jeff and Jane was fighting over Jeff's knife while you and BEN laughed your head off.

Then at six thirty you went to slendey's office

You knock five times and heard  the same response as always.

"Come in child " slendey said

You went in and set in one of the chairs.

"I need you to go on a mission with Jeff and BEN. You will be gone for a week and a half."

" Alright so what will we be doing and what is our cover."

" You will needed to find two creepypasta so they can join they are half brothers and sisters so they will be together causing it to be harder and they like to keep hinden, and you cover will be you and Jeff is brother and sister while you and BEN is dating so tell the boys you will be leaving torromow at one am and get some sleep it is along drive to there. See you later y/n and please be careful."

Before walking out the door to tell BEN and Jeff you told him not you worry and that you'll keep the boys in line.

You went to find them and luckily Jeff and BEN was at the bottom of the stairs. So you ran and talcked them while yelling pack your bag were going on a mission.

After getting off of them you pack your bag and took a nap for tomorrow you was leaving for a week and a half.

I am in love with a dead gamer ( BEN drowned x reader) Where stories live. Discover now