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The iron gates towered over me as I stood in front of them with a suitcase in each hand. I packed my clothes in one, books in another. We didn't have books where I used to live, but my life turned upside down the moment I became a part of my new family. I left my past behind, traded everything I had, everything I was for a chance to have a different future.

I gazed at the ornate gates of my new school with trepidation. The iron was bent in a way that reminded me of the tendrils a climbing plant might use. There were even metal leaves to accent the feel. I tightened the grip on the suitcase handles because, at that moment, I realized there was no turning back. That was the day I became a student in the school for the hidden races.

My parents brought me here a couple of weeks earlier for enrollment. I knew exactly where I was supposed to go, still I didn't enter right away. Instead, I took the time to observe the arrival of the other students. At first sight, they seemed just like any other human being. So did I, but that was not what they were. Neither was I. We were different. Special.

It was next to impossible for me to determine which race any of them was, but they all had one thing in common: a decision to become a part of the human world. I made the same decision, and for that reason, some changes had to be done to my body. Some were more painful than the others, but in the end, I gained a family. That was something I didn't have in my former home.

As the students passed by, some of them glanced at me as if they were wondering who I was. Did they know where I came from? The headmaster told me and my parents there's bound to be curiosity considering that I was the only student of my race in the whole school. In fact, they never had a student of my race at this school. I was beginning to think that maybe I should have asked my parents to escort me in, but it was too late for that now; that ship has sailed.

The feeling of warmth on my skin made me lift my glance up at the sky. The incandescent sun was high above me, reminding me that it was time to enter. I was supposed to report to the headmaster no later than noon. After one deep breath, I was ready.

And then she came, a woman just slightly taller than me. It was a warm September day but she was wearing an overcoat. Its collar was pulled up so high it hid half of her face. And she wore gloves. Not the kind people wore during the winter, these were much thinner. However, they were still gloves, and the day was sunny. I thought it was very strange. But then again, it was my first day there. Was I really qualified to say what was or wasn't strange?

The woman nodded when two of the students greeted her, but didn't engage in a conversation with them. Instead, she walked through the gates as if she had done it countless times before and continued towards the school building.

When I lost sight of her, I entered. On the other side of the iron gates was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. The grass was so green, embellished with thousands of little white flowers. And the butterflies! They were so wonderful! We didn't have butterflies where I used to live. When I first discovered them in my parent's back yard, I was so fascinated that I spent most of the summer admiring the little winged marvels.

I took a deep breath. A bit too deep, considering I started to cough. It was just a reminder I was yet to get used to the changes my body underwent. With each passing day, it became easier. However, every once in a while, I would experience some difficulties. This time it was just a cough. I could handle that.

The path took me towards the school. It was an older building, but it had been updated about a decade ago. What I liked the most about it was the ivy growing on the front façade, making it seem as if I was approaching a forest as I went up the wide stairs that led to the front door.

Once I entered, I found myself in the lobby. The gray marble tiles on the floor made me feel like I was walking on water. Another reminder of my old life. In front of me was a grand stairway, leading to the first floor. Standing in front of it, I noticed two hallways: one to my left and one to my right. There was no time to explore where they lead, I had to report to the headmaster first. Still gripping my suitcases, I stepped on the first stair and started climbing.

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