3, 2, 1...

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Rip those who just came from the happy ones, this one will probably be very sad, sorry I'm just in the mood to write sad things all the time.

Some background: Joji is the Grim Reaper, you two met because you could see Joji somehow while others could not and so you two fell in love a long time ago and you are dying of cancer very slowly. You are in a ton of pain, and your time has finally come.


"Hey (Y/n)..." I said walking into her hospital room. She turned to me, her eyes were weak and broken, but she still gave me one of her beautiful smiles. I didn't tell her that this would be the last time I would visit her. I sat next to her bedside and took her hand. I kissed her knuckles, giving her a smile back.

"I'm going to die today, aren't I, Joji?" (Y/n) asked out of nowhere, I could already feel the tears coming, but I cleared my throat. It was her time today and of course, I was the one who had to take her. I gave her a sad smile, "I-I don't want to let you go." I admitted, my voice breaking. (Y/n) laughed but it was empty.

"I'm in so much pain, Joji, I don't care at this point." Her words broke my proverbial heart. I felt my breath in my throat and felt the tears burn in my eyes. "I can't bear to lose you, darling. But I know how much it hurts." I tell her, (Y/n) looks out the window.

"It'll feel all better soon, right? Don't they say death is just like a long sleep? Like a void." A bitter taste fills my mouth. The room fills with the sound of her heart machine beeping and the slightly loud bustle of the city below us because (Y/n) always loves to have her window open

"Please don't talk about you dying. I can't-can't imagine losing you and I know I have too and that's what hurts the most. I can't imagine staring at your side of the bed without you, I can't imagine staring at our home without you, I can't imagine breathing without you. " I grip the sides of the chair to restrain myself from breaking down.

"You make me feel human. And now I have to give all of that up. I hate the fact that I am the one who has to take you." I say with a sour expression, fists clench and a lump forming again in my throat.

(Y/n) reaches out her hand and I grip it like never before. "You have to let go of everything some day. You can't stall with death." She says wisely, her weak (e/c) eyes focusing on my brown ones. Deep in my instincts, I feel her time drawing close. At least ten minutes now.

"Will I ever see you again?" (Y/n) asks, a tear slides down my face and I laugh bitterly.

"No, I have too much work to do here." I blatantly explain to the love of my life, she looks downcast.

"Then I hope you keep some stuff of mine so you can remember me." (Y/n) laughs, I nod fervently.

"Of course. I was going to do that anyway. There's not a chance I'm ever going to forget you." I chuckle, (Y/n) has a warm expression on her face.

Five minutes. I feel an overwhelming wave of sadness wash over me. I can't let her go. I can't. When she was about to die she would see a bright light and her soul would follow that. That was how I made it work with everyone.

"Do you remember the first thing I ever said to you?" (Y/n) asks me, I look up with a smile, "Not to be too abrupt but oh my, are you single?" (Y/n) laughs. I start to laugh too but then (Y/n) starts to cough violently. I stand up and rub her back. She finally stops coughing, taking in a deep breath.

"There's the cliche cough that always comes before someone's death." (Y/n) jokes, but she scans my face and her smile falters. I have a sad expression etched all over my face.

"What's wrong babe?" She asks me, three minutes, I sigh and kiss her lips. Holding her close as possible as I deepen the kiss, trying to grasp the feeling of kissing her forever, so I can never forget.

Once we break apart, I rest my head on top of hers.

"You have no fucking idea how painful this is going to be for me," I whisper. Two minutes. I start feeling like I'm about to cry but I have to stay strong for her. Soon the silence fills the room again and all that's left are the machines beeping and the sounds of the city below us.

"Do you feel it." I turn to (Y/n), she's crying but has a dreamy smile on her face. Her time is so close.

"Feel what?" I ask her, knowing there's nothing I can do but talk this out.

"Hopelessness." (Y/n) states with a catch in her voice. I almost burst into tears.

"A little bit," I say quietly.

"Sometimes I used to imagine myself in situations where I'm going to die and I always didn't want to die, but now..." (Y/n) takes in a deep breath and starts to cry silently. All I can do is watch.

"Yeah..." Is all I can even manage to say.

"I'm tired now." (Y/n) says, she has less than a minute left.

"Yeah, me too," I reply, feeling a lump grow in my throat.

"I want to sleep now." (Y/n)'s voice is getting weaker.

"Keep holding my hand and on the count of three we'll fall asleep together," I tell her, kissing her fingers one by one.

"You're not even tired though." (Y/n) teases me with a soft smile which then turns into a depressed frown.

"I'm tired in a different way." I smile back at her, gripping her hand tightly.

"Oh..." (Y/n) says sleepily. 30 seconds.

"Are you ready?" I ask the beautiful girl, she shakes her head. I could sob, but instead, I kiss her hand again.

"Just keep holding onto my hand and everything will be alright," I promise her, knowing it's all not going to be alright.

"I love you so much." (Y/n) states.

"I love you more than words can speak," I vow to her. Then (Y/n) turns away from me.

She stares ahead and I begin to count out loud under my breath.

"Three..." I whisper. A tear slips from my eyes as my lip quivers, but (Y/n) didn't notice.

"I can see something. It's bright." (Y/n) gently says, as if she too tired to talk.

"Two." My voice gets choked up from the sob that forms in my throat, I take a deep breath.

"Can you see it?" (Y/n) points into nothingness. I'm trying my hardest not to cry, I notice (Y/n) begins to nod off.

My voice is so choked with emotion but I try to stay as calm as I can. "One."

(Y/n)'s breathing stops and her face is peaceful, she looks so beautiful. The machine goes blank and the beeping of a stopped heart begins.

I collapse into uncontrollable sobbing as I scream for the love of my life. I grip her limp hand as the medics rush in, they don't see me as I get up and kiss my lover's once body goodnight. I whisper a sweet "I love you" and then I am gone.

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