what happens from here?

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"What?" You said softly, your mouth open. Tears threatening to spill. Joji didn't have an expression on his face.

"I don't love you anymore." Joji states. You begin to cry, although you tried to hold it together.

"I gave you everything! I gave you love! I gave you support! What else should I have done?!" Your words were all choked up in your throat.

"(Y/n), don't give me that shit! You're fucking cruel, you act uninterested in everything. It's like it's impossible to even know if you care! I show you affection and you reject it!" Joji's voice rose. I bit my lip, knowing he was completely true.

"So?! You fucking act like a child, you don't even understand me. I rant to you, tell you my feelings, and you act as if you don't give a shit! I'm sorry my feelings are so hard to deal with! I don't know how to express myself and I come across as cold. Maybe you could have tried to understand." I snap. Joji looks taken aback, he furrows his eyebrows, his dark eyes glaring into my heart.

"Maybe if you tried a little harder you could actually prove it to me. I worry about you constantly and you go along life with some sort of reckless immaturity. You don't even know who you are!" Joji growls.

"I regret loving you." I snarl, Joji looks slightly hurt. I then also regret saying those words.

"Well, I feel the same." From the way he says it, I can tell he meant it more than I did. I feel hot tears stream down across my cheeks. I take a deep breath and begin to sob. Joji gives me a look of sympathy.

"I-I don't know what to do. I can't fix myself! I just can't! I try to be someone different for you! I can't be that person. All I ever want is love! To be held and shown it's going to be alright. Just once you gave that to me! And because I'm so fucking stupid, I've lost you. I've lost you." I collapsed into a ball on the floor, held myself close, sobbing madly. Gasping for air, I don't think I've ever felt this broken or distressed.

Joji rushes over, rubbing my back. "No!" I shout, but he doesn't care and gathers me into his arms.

"I'm sorry for being me." Is all I manage to say, Joji doesn't speak. He just rocks me back and forth.

At some point, I remember I just fall asleep.


When I awoke, I was in an oversized t-shirt and I rubbed my forehead. I reach over to the side of the bed, expecting Joji to be there. The fight will have ebbed away and we'll be alright. Life will go back to normal. However, when my hand strikes an empty bedside, my heart begins to panic.

I got up from my bed, glancing outside my door. I see Joji walking around, grabbing a bag, never mind, a suitcase.

"George?" I ask. He turns to me, "I didn't think you'd wake up before I left." I widen my eyes, Joji's brown eyes are twisted with different emotions.

"You're leaving?" I ask, voice wavering, my right hand gripping my left wrist. Joji frowns, biting his lip.

"You're surprised? All we do is fight. You said it yourself last night, you lost me. I can't stay here," he motions to the house and then to me, "with this." A lump burns itself into my throat, and nails dig into my skin.

"But I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay and pretend we are a stable couple." I beg, tears pricking at my eye, blurring my eyesight.

Joji scoffs, running a hand through his bedhead of dark locks. "One day, you'll learn. Until then I'm gone. Call me when you learn how to be a functioning individual." Joji hikes up his suitcase and makes his way to the door. He opens it and steps out. Joji turns to me.

"Don't," I whisper. "Don't do this." My voice cracks. Joji has tears in his eyes. "What else am I supposed to do? I can't stay here. I. Can't. Do. This." Joji tells me sincerely. I wrung my hands and take a deep breath.

"Goodbye." He walks out and leaves. I stare at the spot he stood in for an hour. As long as I didn't move, he didn't leave. However, there was the part in the back of my mind that knew Joji had left and I didn't want to accept that.

I blinked out of my trance and went to my couch. I left the door wide open. For Joji. He was going to come back. I was sure of that. I knew it.

But a thought gnawed at me like a dog would a bone. What happens from here?

whoops, sorry lol

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