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You stared at the boy from afar, chatting with some friends, you were barely listening to what your best friend Max was saying. Instead, your mind was on the boy you had a terrible, horrible, gigantic crush on; George Miller or as everyone called him 'Joji'.

You had liked him for the longest time since freshman year. Now it was junior year. You didn't have the courage to tell him, you two were friends as well, engaging in long talks and had some inside jokes. But, he couldn't like you. Why would he? You were not ugly but nothing beautiful or so you told yourself. You had interests nobody seemed to care about and were so shy it was hard to carry a conversation with someone you didn't know that well. Nobody, much less Joji would ever like you.

"Hey (Y/n)!" You turned as Max swiped a hand in front of your gaze. Joji had left. You grumbled with disappointment and rolled your eyes. Max frowned at you, "Did you hear a fucking word I just said? Or were you to busy staring at the idiot you like?"

I gave Max a small grin, "I'm sorry. I just like him so much and he barely talks to me." Max sighed then he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me down the hall to where Joji had been.

"Okay. Stay here, I'll be back." Then Max was gone. You shook your head at his weird antics. You leaned against the wall and opened your phone to check for notifications from your friends. Oh, wait, lmao, you didn't have any. Lmao.

Soon Max came back from his little trip. I was curious about what he was doing but then I saw him dragging Joji along with him. Joji was rambling about how he lowkey didn't want to come with Max.

Max stopped right in front of me. He glanced at both Joji and I. Joji smiled at me, running his fingers through his dark hair. I smiled back too.

"I've had enough!" Max began, glaring at me in a mocking way. "You two won't shut up about each other and how much you want to do gay couple things." I nearly punched Max.

Joji looked at me, my cheeks were on fire. I was going to beat Max until he was even more brain dead than he already was.

"For hours upon hours, it's all I listen too. But you two are too dumb to confess your feelings because you're shy." Max glanced at me. I gave him a shocked glare. My cheeks were on fire. I couldn't even look at Joji.

"Joji I really don't care about you wanting to date my best friend but if you do," Max pointed at Joji, "anything to hurt this precious, little angel I'll fucking kill you." Joji nodded, looking scared. Max wasn't done.

"Now confess your feelings for each other." Max walked away. I glared at him and then stared back at Joji. His cheeks were red. He looked as baffled as I did. We stand there, awkwardly laughing and staring at the wall.

"So you really do like me?" Joji finally breaks the silence, I bury my face in my hands and groan. Covering my blushing face, I peek out from behind them, nodding. I see Joji's smile grow, "Well that's good because the feelings are mutual."

I widen my eyes. I then bring my hands away and awkwardly laugh. Joji smiles and pats my head, "You're cute." I smile.

"You wanna go, uh, out with me?" Joji asks, I nod, smiling and blushing like an idiot again.

We then walk down the hall, brushing shyly against each other. My heart was pounding and I felt my life instantly become happier.

I know this one sucks, but this is all trash
Love ya'll.

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