Part 7: She Runs Away

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Part 7: She Runs Away

I woke up in my room. Nancy was placing a cold towel on my forehead. She was the only one in the room. Figures my family wouldn’t be in here to see if I was still alive, they couldn’t care less. Correction, the only one who did care was stabbed to death by the man I love.

                Was I upset? Yes. Tyson was my brother; the only one who ever showed me love in my eighteen years of life. He was my rock and my protector. Did I hate Blake? No. If Blake didn’t kill Tyson, he would have been killed, and I would have been devastated. Blake was my freedom; he was my escape. If Tyson had killed him, I would only have one other means of escape, and I wouldn’t think twice about using it, regardless of the child I was caring.

                I must’ve looked some kind of way, because before I knew it, Nancy was gripping me tightly in a hug. I just looked at her.

“I know you must be devastated by this, Juliet, but don’t worry, the man who killed your brother was identified by Princeton and they are searching for him right now. He couldn’t step within a twenty mile radius of the city without a police officer on his back. They’ll find him. It’s gonna be okay,” she gave me a look of comfort, but what she said was anything but comforting to me. If Blake couldn’t come within a mile of the city, we couldn’t run away together. I would be stuck here, with Princeton, who would more than likely kill both me and my baby.

“But what am I going to do, Nancy? Now that he’s gone, I will have no one to protect me or my baby from Princeton,” I told her tearfully. I was talking about Blake, but I know she thought I was talking about Tyson.

She looked at me sadly. “It might be best if you just aborted the baby, Juliet. And Princeton really isn’t that bad of a guy; he is leading the search to find your brother’s killer, you know. I think you should just learn to love him,” she told me. I looked at her in shock. I felt betrayed that she would even think of that.

“One, I am not aborting my baby. I can’t believe you would even suggest I kill an innocent child. Two, I can’t believe you would even say that to me when you have seen the way he treats me.” I was furious. How dare she even suggest that I would… I can’t even say it.

“Well to be honest, Juliet, you can be a handful sometimes. Maybe it’s your fault that he beats on you. If you just learned to be more obedient like you mother-”

I cut her off, furiously, “Get Out! Now! Leave and don’t you dare come back.” She looked at me, surprised, like my outburst was unexpected. She didn’t move.

“Have you been diagnosed as deaf today?! Get out!” I pointed towards the door. She looked at me angrily, before stomping away.

Before she left, she turned back and said furiously, “That’s why I slept with your fiancé. He was a very good lay.” Then, she left, slamming the door behind her. Was that supposed to hurt me? Because im not feeling the hurt. For all I care, she and my “fiancé” can go slut around and swap STD’s all they want, but I won’t be here to see it.

I’m leaving.

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