John Shelby - 'A Royal Night Out 2'

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"What a stunner." Lizzie gasped as you came downstairs, in the most ravishing dress that made you truly feel like a princess (quite literally.) "Et moi?"

"Beautiful." You smile as you hug her tightly.

"I thought, Trafalgar Square for a splash in the fountains, then the Curzon, going on to that wizard all-nighter at Chelsea Barracks." She eagerly smiles as she lists your itinerary for the night.

"Whatever you want." You giggle; shoving her slightly. "Tonight we're in charge."

"There you are." Your father called out to you both as he walked beside your mother. "Don't you look lovely."

"Well, Captain Pryce and Lieutenant Burridge from the Guards at Chelsea Barracks will be your chaperones." Your mother informed, making you frown as they stood beside one another in their uniforms.

"Chaperones?" You repeat in shock, annoyed.

"They will escort you to the Ritz and stay with you all night long." You mother ignored your question and showed you the two men.

"Ma'am, we are honoured by this great and sacred charge." One spoke making you both roll your eyes - all plans gone out the window. "Lieutenant Burridge?"

"Deeply, ma'am." The other said "Inexpressibly."

"I'm sure you will have a wonderful time under their close and scrupulous supervision." Your mother folded her arms with a sharp smile. "Understood?"

"Yes, Mummy." You both chorused together; completely deflated.

"Back by midnight." She orders and you both stare at each other.

"Midnight?" Lizzie gasps. "That's not fair."

"Come on, darling. Peace begins at midnight." Your father pushed. "We'd like you to be out there watching us in the crowd. Y/N, I want to know how they all really feel at that moment."

You nodded your head and your father nodded his head for you to go. Both of you linked arms and walked out together; followed behind by the two men.

"One o'clock, not a minute later." Your mother called as you walked away. "Lizzie? Best behaviour, honestly."

"No question." Lizzie giggled as she hurried on out, with you by her side.

You get in the car; watching the crowds of happy people celebrating the end of the war with people they fought it with. 

"It looks bloody marvellous" Lizzie grinned and a short while later, the car stops and you get out of the car; entering the Ritz.

"Woah" you gasp as you walk in; seeing people dancing and having the time of their life - drinking and being completely merry.

"Waiter." Your bodyguards for the evening call over. "Other exits?"

"This is the only one, sir." He smiles back and nodded his head; you and your sister walking to the room you were to be in. The two of you so excited.

"Your guests await you, ma'am." The waiter speaks and you frown slightly, confused.

"Guests?" You gasp and the doors open. Lizzie looks to you and sighs.

"My Lords, ladies and gentlemen, Her Royal Highness, the Princess Y/N and Her Royal Highness, the Princess Lizzie." The man spoke and you saw the room full of people twice your age.

"Bloody Mummy." You mumble under you breath, Lizzie groaning in annoyance.

"Our polo ponies are the talk of the north, as I'm sure you will see. Maybe you'll even ride one of them." The lady spoke as she kept talking.

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