Chapter 17

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Hey everyone!

Looks whose still alive. Sorry I haven't updated in two or three weeks. I've been so busy with real life lately and probably even more so later on but I'll still try as much as I can to update this, though it might not be as fast as before.

Hope that everyone would still continue to stick with me even if the updates will be slower.


This was finally it. Kaminari was restless inside his room as he wakes up from his sleep feeling extremely hot and his breathing was heavy. This familiar sensation could only mean one thing, heat was finally here but Sero was nowhere to be seen.

He didn't know if he was relieved or distressed that the Alpha wasn't at his side at that moment. Today was the day that they've been planning for months. Today was finally the big day that he'd form a bond with Sero. And of course, Kaminari is having a mental breakdown which made him somehow relieved that he wasn't around to see him being pathetic and anxious if his nest was good enough or if Sero really wants this, or what and how they would do it.

Even though they don't look like it. The two had enough of self-control and have not done anything sexual at all to which Ashido had quoted "surprising". So far up till now the two of them have only really cuddled and flirted, kissed a lot. Which leaves him completely clueless on what to do.

It made him curse himself for not asking Kirishima more details regarding heat mating and bonding -mostly out of consideration for the red head.

On a second thought he was distressed that his alpha wasn't near him as a wave of heat traveled throughout his body and he could feel the slick drip down from his entrance along with the throbbing pain.

It's not like this was his first heat or anything but having Sero's scent all over his nest and the anticipation of an alpha pouncing on him made it so unbearable that he couldn't help but touch himself even just to relieve him of this painful heat and somewhat feel sensation he was itching for.

His primal instinct as an omega was taking over, whining as it calls out for his alpha while he loses himself in the haze of his heat even though he was so nervous earlier.


Sero was downstairs getting something to eat for the both of them — even though they've already have some prepared inside Kaminari's room they wouldn't know if it'll be enough since they won't be leaving that room for a week and well he wouldn't really like it if he's parents will enter his room in the middle of it, which made him reconsider going to a heat hotel.

Maybe he'll ask Kaminari about it when he get upstairs.

He went upstairs with a big bag of foods on hand only to drop it when he opened the room as thick scent of sweet pheromones hit him straight on and he felt as if it was hard to control his instincts and keep his inner alpha from letting loose.

A loud whine was heard from the nest inside the room, without even asking permission Sero quickly made his way inside the nest and there he saw Kaminari completely bare and he'd be totally lying he said that the sight wasn't erotic.

"A-ah ha... Hanta- AHnngh- plea-please alpha...Hanta—" Kaminari whined with pleading eyes even if he no longer knows what it is he was asking for as he panted heavily, his body aching from the wave of heat and wanted nothing more to be all submissive to the alpha before him.

The said Alpha didn't even have anytime to admire his beautiful omega before the blonde had pulled him down inside his nest and straddled onto Sero slowly grinding on his now erect cock. "Take me~" whispered Kaminari.

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