Chapter 4:

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And this one is a pretty long chapter to booth. Though I have never posted a chapter with less than 3,500 words this is the first time I wrote up a chapter with 6,500 words. Hope this will be long enough for you guys to forgive me for not updating for quite some time.

I swear I wasn't being lazy just had no motivation to write and had a lot of stuff to do. Right now I just got home from another out of town seminar. Studying and working is really stressful. TodoDeku is my only sanctuary. I still don't know it its good or bad though.

 And as I might say again... JUST WOW!!! This book had already 4500 views. This story is really receiving a lot of attention and I couldn't be anymore thankful to those who comments and voted for this angsty sappiness trash that I put up from the bunch of stuff inside of my head. 

I'm sorry for any typos that you might find and all the awkward grammars and sentence. Please do point it out. I'm copying and typing this stuff from my note book in like 1:00 am and now it's already 3 am. I know I should be asleep by this time but I'm just too excited to post this chapter.

I really have fun writing this up as well as its giving hints of the other couples in this story for like the fist time and finally a progress in TodoDeku relationship.


Izuku had spent an entire week holed up in his room as he went through his heat and just as Recovery Girl had warned him before his heat fully came on him, he went through an almost unbearable pain in his entire body, had he not been too used to having broken bones all the time the pain he had experienced would be hell worse than torture.

This was the very first time that Izuku is going through his heat and there were just a lot of strange and unfamiliar things to him, even if he's read a lot about how to deal with it but actually doing it was kind of embarrassing but as the pain had subsided that's when his heat came in full unforgiving wave that his mind seemed to have switched to purely omega instinct and his body was screaming for an alpha to knot him.

He could only claw at his skin, desperate to feel his Alpha as slick covered down to his thighs. Making use of the items given to him in order for him get through his heat alone but it only did so little relief. He needed an alpha to mount him and mate him. The excruciating feeling of lust and want was so much that he could only howl in desperation as he make do with what he has.

During his rest after each wave of heat comes to him he felt as if he's drained of all the energy he had and he felt extremely hungry all the time, thankfully his mother would leave food for him in his front door and as soon as he finished his meal he would immediately pass out until another wave comes again.

As his heat cycle is already ending and was calm enough to think clearly, Izuku woke up to a pile of different sheets and pillow, his nest that he didn't remember making, filled with things that he didn't recognize but it has a soothing scent of a mixture of warm vanilla and minty sandalwood and to him it was a euphoric scent that he couldn't get enough of and he just wanted to do nothing but to bury his head and fall asleep in it.

As Izuku was finally starting to doze off to sleep he heard knocks on his door. He wondered who it was seeing that his mother was out at work in this hour of the weekend but as soon as he smelt who it was he immediate knows who it was standing on the other side of the door "I heard from Inko-san that your heat is already subsiding and she's out for work, so I came here instead" Uraraka asked from over the other side of the door

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