How we work

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1. Assignments are posted per month! This is because we know everyone has a life outside of Wattpad and the admin is a busy guy himself.

2. We run on a point basis system.

3. You will read a total of two books per month. The first book you will read is the book paired with you on the reader's cycle. This cycle won't let you read the book your reader has. For example:

A. He from Curie will read 'Love' by She from Aristotle
She from Aristotle will read 'exorcism' by it from Descartes
It from Descartes will read 'History pleasure' by he from Curie

You have to read MORE THAN 3 chapters and leave feedbacks there with #TLBC. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU WILL READ ONLY 3 CHAPTERS! THIS MEANS THAT YOU HAVE TO READ 4 OR MORE. There will be a corresponding point per chapter; you may check out the point system which goes after the form.

4. There will also be the Featured Book of the Month - which is mandatory - which multiplies your points depending on how much you read. For example, you read 5 chapters, then your TOTAL points will be multiplied by 5. There is no minimum chapters for you to read here as long as you've  read one chapter, you're good. This is chosen from a raffle to the people who reached a certain number of points and if they completed their assignments well. The writer who is the FBoTM can choose to read a bonus book but is not part of the cycle. Within 3 months after being the FBoTM, this writer cannot have that position again.

5. What are the points for? Well, for every 50 points you have an entry for becoming the FBoTM.

6. You can ask up to 2 bonus books. These bonus books add up to your points and are clearly non-mandatory. You can't ask for this if you haven't managed to finish the month's assignment. This usually comes from the genre you're at and is random.

7. Prompts are given per week and the winners of each prompt will be given 20 points immediately. Winners are decided from creativity and your grammar. THE NUMBER OF WINNERS IS ONLY UP TO 5!

8. If you are already done with your assignments, Comment done together with the book you read, by who and what/ how many chapters on the assignment week.

9. Patron Scientist battles happen every 3 months. This battles test the versatility of the writers to write in many genres as possible. The winning group of these contests are given 50 POINTS ON EACH ASSIGNMENT MONTH!

10. If you weren't able to finish your assignments on time and you keep on ignoring our messages, then we're afraid that we have to kick you out of the group. You can tell us  the reason why you weren't able the month's assignment through DM's and we will gladly be accepting your reasons.

11. PM me for questions

Still interested? Go on to the forms now and to the pointing system to have you an official member of the club.

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