Prologue - Changing The Past

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Where do I even start?

I guess hello, to whoever finds this book. Time will show how long this has been, or if it even makes it through the timeline.

My name is not important, but my experience is, so don't go digging to find it.

The current timeline isn't all that great. Sure, my brother and his friends all have their happy families and I am still in a high position. But that's all just the surface.

See, the world that I live in is plagued by death, or better known as what causes death.

Monsters. The kind that hide under your bed and wait until they hear the soft breathes of sleep. The kind that hide in the corners of your closet, just out of sight.

The kind that sweep down onto unknowing prey, and kill.

I, as I sit in this position, am prayed upon for help.

Every day I have to listen through the agonizing pleas and cries for help. Families being torn apart. Parents watching their kid's body be taken away by the feet of one that flies. Or a spouse being turned into another that groans in the night. Some even getting shot through the heart right in front of their friends.

I can't let this continue. It's painful having to hear about the towns that are being destroyed by the ones who steal. Or see the many new faces surrounding me up here.

I've decided to put a stop to this. To the massacre of many. To the families being torn apart, the cities burnt to the ground. The growing army of monsters has to stop.

Many are to believe that my brother is behind this. At first I thought this was wrong, but after searching for the answers I started to realize that may be true.

I confronted him, and asked him about it. All that did was make him snap at me. He wasn't happy that his own brother had turned against him, and he ran off.

After that, I could not find him. He took his son and vanished.

So, I dug, and searched, and buried myself in studying for some way to end this.

Nothing had turned up, after weeks, maybe months, of just reading, I found nothing.

That was, until someone had prayed upon me once again. They begged for this to be fixed, saying that if only someone could turn back time.

So, with that idea in my head, I searched for a way to time travel, specifically back in time. To a time without monsters, to a time I could stop my brother from creating these things.

I eventually found a book, and it gave me the spell and resources needed to go back.

Simple things such as a grass block, some leaves, and coal. As well as rare resources, some iron, an emerald, and some endstone. Yet one final recourse took me months to find.

The wings off the back of one in another dimension.

To what that meant, I will not say, I do not wish for anyone to follow in my footsteps.

After I collected the required supplies, I was ready.

I cannot say as to what is to happen after I go through with this, but I will fulfill the requests of my people. I will make sure they no longer suffer. No more deaths by these creatures.

If this book somehow is found after this, that means I have failed, and the world is still in this darkness. For that, I am sorry.

It is time for me to take my leave, and fix what has been wronged.

I pray to anyone listening, please, let this go right. Let my people be free.

The next few lines have been scribbled out.

If you are reading this, know that it did not work!

Please, find the one with golden eyes! Set what i have wronged right!

Before it's too la....

A line trails off the page.

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