Ronald McDonald House

Start from the beginning

I wanted to laugh at how bizarre it was, but I couldn't. A chill swept down my spine. Something was not right. I watched as the nurse and my caseworker interacted; paperwork was passed through the window. The caseworker slid my case file under the glass, as the nurse slid her some papers to sign.

As my caseworker signed the papers, the nurse looked at me. Her smile should have been warm and welcoming....but all I saw in her eyes was hunger.

"I can't stay here," I stammered loudly. "Take me to the military school in Lansing. PLEASE."

"What's the matter sweetie?" The nurse asked, her voice muffled slightly by the glass. "Afraid of clowns?"

I looked into her hungry eyes. Now there was a malicious glint as she laughed. My caseworker laughed too, obliviously, and said, "Now now. Don't overreact! You'd hate the military school. Besides, this will be good for you!"

"Yes," said the clown nurse, "this will be good for you."

Before I could object, I heard a SLAM behind me.

I spun around to see an open door in the far corner of the lobby, to the left of the front desk window. There was no one there, just the light that flooded in from the door.

Then the creeping shadows. Shrill, echoing laughter and growing shadows along the wall inside the door.

"Oh!" said the caseworker, "Here comes the welcome committee!"

As I stared in horror, clutching the strap of my backpack, my caseworker patted me on the shoulder for the last time. "Don't worry honey. It'll be different this time. You'll feel right at home here, I promise!"

She turned to leave. I felt bile churning in my stomach.

"No!" I said desperately. "You can't leave me here!"

"Oh no, I've got to get going. I never did like clowns!"

And with that, she left me there. The metal doors slammed behind her, and I was alone.

I faced the open doorway by the front desk again. The shadows had almost entered the room and the piercing laughter was filling the lobby with sound.

I ran for the front doors. Pounded and yanked and pushed and screamed. Screamed for help, screamed for my caseworker, screamed for ANYONE, PLEASE GOD.

I turned to see the nurse behind the glass smiling at me again.

And then, they entered, laughing all the while.

A whole group of laughing nurses with clown faces and red hair. Some male, some female, but all with the same terrifying Ronald McDonald makeup. And in the dim light of the lobby, I could see the glint of metal tools in their hands. Coming up the rear was a pair of clown nurses rolling a metal table, complete with restraints.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed. I pounded at the metal doors again. "Let me out of here!!"

They surrounded me. Grabbing me as I thrashed and screamed and tried to tear myself away. Laughing as I kicked and squirmed. They slammed me onto the rolling table and strapped me down.

I looked around wildly. I was surrounded.

"LET ME GO!!!" I screamed, twisting and turning and pulling at the restraints.

They rolled me through the open doorway and down a seemingly endless white hallway. They laughed and laughed and laughed. They waved their shiny scalpels and razors and needles mere inches from my face, just to make me flinch and scream. This made them laugh even harder.

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