How could they do this? These assholes need to be taught a lesson. Lexi didn't even look fazed by this, she was just angry and balling her fist. "Going to force yourself onto these two young women who only want to see a race, now that is not nice." We all turn our attention to the girl that had a cigarette in her mouth. She lit it and blew out smoke. It was Blake. The two other girls were with her as well. They had straight faces, not showing any emotion at all. Blake took off her shades and looked at me then back at the men. "Get out of here you ugly piece of—"

"I will stop you right there. People call me a lot of things but ugly, ugly isn't one of them." She said cockily. "Just let us go." I begged him. "He won't let you go babe. You have to be more forceful with these kind of people." Did she just call me babe? "What do you mean by these kind of people? We are the same as you." He gritted out, clenching his fists.

The three guys were turning their attention to the three girls now. Lexi puts her hand in front of me to block me from the guys but it made me look weak when she did that. Like I needed to be protected. I don't want to look weak in front of them. "Stand back Sophia." Lexi said to me. But I obeyed, mostly because I didn't want to get in the way.

"We are not like you at all. You guys are assholes, scumbags, dickheads, want me to go on?" She asks the guy. She is really brave I give her that. "Let's go guys. I don't want to waste any more time with these whores anyways." Seriously? What's with this guy?

"Don't worry about them, they're just douches. Some of these people here are bark but no bite. Others, well," Blake looks at the guys that were going back to the crowd, "they are just all bite." She dropped her cigarette on the concrete ground and stepped on it.

"Lexi, lets go home." I look at Mason who came out of nowhere who was looking down, sweat on his face. Once he looks up, he turns to Blake. "I can't believe your socializing with her! She was the bitch that defeated me and—" but Lexi cuts him off before he could finish his sentence. "Shut it Mason. We will deal with this when we get back home."

"Better luck next time Mason." Blake said, smirking. "Lexi I can't believe your hanging out with Sarah and Riley to? Do you know who she is?" So those are the two girls is name. "Chill out, I'm just having some fun." Blake came to my ear and smelled my hair. I look at her with a 'what the heck are you doing' look. "Hey get away from her!" Great, It's Nick. I knew I should of stayed home. "If Sophia wants me to." Blake looks at me and so did the rest of them.

I didn't know what to say. I look at Lexi for help but she also didn't know what to say either. I mean it did actually feel good. Wait what? "Guys I'm fine. Let's just enjoy the race yeah? No need to fight." I told them. "Skip the race and come with me. I will make it worth your while." She whisperers, nibbling my ear. Oh god that felt good.

"That's it." Nick grabbed her by the throat and pushed her into the car. "I'm going to kill you." He threatened her. I look at Nick in horror. What the hell is wrong with him? Sarah and Riley were about to step in but Blake held her hand out to tell them she will be okay and that she can handle herself.

"I'm going to mess you up." Blake looked at him and chuckled, showing off her perfectly white teeth. "Like you have the balls to do that." She kept on chuckling. How is she not scared? I mean I'm not even in her spot and I'm scared to death.

I shouldn't have went with Lexi here. How can Nick hurt someone? Blake turns to me and sees my worry look and stops chuckling. "You know, your not impressing her your actually scaring her." Nick looks at me and let's go of Blake. "Sophia—" He tried to reach out for me but I backed away from him like he was the plague.

Blake rubs her neck. "Come on Sophia, I will take you home." Lexi says, grabbing my hand. I pull away and look down at the ground unsure what to do.
"Want to come with me?" I look at Blake and then turn to Lexi. She shakes her head no. "Don't go with her Sophia. You got to trust me." I look at Blake and make a decision that will change my life. "Yes."

I follow Blake to her car and took a glance at Lexi. They were all stunned. Mason put his hand on Lexi shoulder and she removed it, still staring at me. She looked like she was stabbed in the back by her best friend. Which she was. I didn't want to hurt Lexi like this. I could still see her yelling at Mason.

But I couldn't be with her if Mason is going to be in there. Him and Nick. Nick, I couldn't believe he could be that violent. The girls go in separate cars so I sit in the passengers seat with Blake. Alone. "Ready for the time of your life?" I look at her. She smirks and starts the engine and backs out. I look out the window, watching them stand there arguing. I watch them fade away and then that was it. They were gone.

I'm starting a new book on Blake and Sophia. So be prepared.

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