2. Brandon

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Vinnie's Pov.

After a lot of yelling and howling like maniacs, we finally reached the college.

Gia and Aaliya, being bookworms, got admission in the college easily but me and Lola had to try really hard to be in the same college as them. 'Cause of course, we had to be together.

"St. Xavier's College", I slowly mutter to myself.

Pulling down my purple dress and combing my long brown hair through my fingers and clutching to my tiny bag, I walk inside with my girls.

On reaching our corridors, getting our schedules and looking for our matching periods and getting our locker keys, the first hour went by quickly.

As I was stuffing the locker with one extra dress (just in case, you know) which was the only thing other than one thin book I brought with myself in my tiny bag, I feel two arms snaking around my waist.

I smile and turn around to find the one I've been thinking about the whole of last night.

We went on a movie date yesterday, had dinner accompanied with dozens of kisses to each other.

Pulling out of my trance, Brandon, my boyfriend, waved one of his hand in front of my face while the other still resting on my waist.

We've been dating since two months and to my surprise, it's going pretty great. I think it's the best one of all the relationships I've had till date.

Yes, I've been in more of relationships than my age is. Funny, right?

But it's like I just can't be stuck with the same guy for years and years. I need change. What's wrong in that? The guys whom I've dated, know this too. As people say, "NO STRINGS ATTACHED".

My each relationship has lasted like for 4 to 5 months excep-

Suddenly, I feel a pair of warm lips kissing me. I close my eyes and kiss him back, entangling his hair in my fingers while his grip on my waist tightens.

We are interrupted by several coughs from...of course, my best friends.


They always have to ruin the moment. They knowingly laugh and now it's time for introduction.

"So, this is your Brandon", Lola whistles while I roll my eyes, blushing.

They are meeting Brad for the first time as he was frequently busy and the in the remaining time he used to take me out for romantic dates. Yeah, he's very romantic. Like veerryyy.

I introduce him to my friends. He shakes hands with them showing off his halo white teeth.

Damn, he's so handsome.

"Holyshit! Your best friends are hot!" Brandon exclaims as I squint my eyes at him.

"I'll kill you if you hit on any of them!" I drag my thumb across my neck as he chuckles and leans forward to kiss me, again.

We get interrupted by the bell sound, indicating that it's my period next.

Fuck you, bells!

"Alright, guys. Gotta go!" I say.

I give Brad a quick peck and wave to my friends only to crash into a strong muscular chest of none other than my ex.



Hope you like this chapter guys! So, this was the introduction of the 1st guy in the story & worry not, 'cause there are more to come. *wink wink*

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