2: I interrogate a blaaaah baaaaaa mouth

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"Macbeth" Astrid exclaimed as she hugged Annabeth

"Speedy" Annabeth laughed hugging her back

"When I didn't see ya I thought you were out on godly business, not in a preppy high class school for nerds" Astrid smirked. Annabeth rolled her eyes and smiled at me "hey Percy" Annabeth smiled. I approached them both with my hands in my deep in my pockets, I casually hugged Annabeth "hey Wise Girl" I said in a neutral tone.

We had a quiet moment and Astrid grinned "so Annie, I found these awesome ruins on the North East side of Britain, it was some ritual site for something or somewhat but, I got some photos" Astrid grinned waving a stack of paper around. Annabeth grabbed the stack and shuffled through them "incredible, I need to draw" Annabeth said running to the Athena cabin "good to see you too" Astrid yelled with a laugh.

I smiled "so how was your sleep" I asked, she shrugged

"Fairly uneventful, turns out sugar reduces demigod dreams" she smiled. I nodded "thanks for the tip" I smiled. Astrid shook her head and glanced over at Chiron

"I have to go, it's kinda important, see ya around hey" she told while disappearing and reappearing beside Chiron in a blur. Chiron was stunned and Astrid had scared off several satyrs, they walked off together heading into the forest "what's with you" Grover asked

"What, nothing, I was"

"Moaning and groaning" Grover added raising an eyebrow.

I hung my head "am I that obvious" I asked, Grover shook his head leading me to the beach "no but thanks to the empathy link, it makes my life easier to be a good friend, what is it"

"I have a decision to make but I don't know if I should make it" I admitted. Grover raised his eye brow "it's not telepathy it's empathy" he added. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him behind the Hermes cabin "look Astrid, made me an offer, that I can go with her when she leaves on Sunday" I told.

Grover was shocked "dude are you serious, that's big news" he smiled widely, I shook my head "how so"

"Well it's one of three things, A: she diggs you and wants to spend time with you, B: she wants to go underwater and needs your help without drowning herself or C: the gods sent her after you for another quest" Grover listed. I grabbed his shoulders

"I know you think your making sense but your not" I scolded

"Dude look if it's godly duty, it's major, she doesn't do anything for the gods unless it's major" he informed.

I took a double take "what do you mean by major, Grover what aren't you telling me" I asked. Grover started to get nervous and his heart rate picked up

"Look Perce it's not my, place, and besides, I'm sure it's just cause she needs someone who can breathe under water, coming Juniper, bye" Grover said quickly before slipping away.

I frowned and heard snickering, I looked left to see the Stoll brothers "what is it" I asked. Travis approached "after prank giggles dude, err forget it, oh and if you see Di Angelo, we moved to Mexico under the names Pablo and Ronaldo" he said carefully as he and Connor ran off.


I approached the water and sat in the water, keeping bone dry. The naiads smiled at me with a pleasant wave at the teenage naiad who swam away blushing. I shook my head remembering Annabeth tell me about a naiads tendency to be flirtatious. My head continued to be clouded by the questions I had, the answers I wanted, and the path I should take. The water churned around me and I shuffled backwards to see dad laughing and placing his hand out for me to grab "you needed me" he smirked.

I grabbed his hand and smiled "hey dad" I greeted, Poseidon had a saddened expression "what's wrong" he asked leading me to the sand. We sat down and looked out at the sun set "what does Astrid do for the Gods, Grover mentions something vaguely but has been avoiding to answer any questions" I asked straight up. Even dad cringed "look Percy, Astrid is a complicated case, why is this bothering you"

"Cause she made me an offer to go traveling with her, why would she do that, she barely knows me, what's with that" I ran my fingers through my hair.

Dad let go of a deep breath "Percy, all I can say is that it is a dark and personal, if she tells you, great, if not, don't push it" dad advised. I lowered my head with a faint nod "hades, I have a meeting"

"It's cool, see ya later, and thanks" I smiled at dad. He weakly returned my smile, I closed my eyes as he flashed away leaving a strong smell of the ocean behind.

AN: so I hope you enjoyed that chapter, some action is yet to come, comment, what do you think is in the dark past of the mysterious daughter of Nike, what do you think her relationship with Luke really was, and what do you think the gods are hiding. Love to you all and a lovely good night, DEMIGOD0 out

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