3: Err Not Again

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"Come one Water Boy, get your head in the game" Astrid smiled spinning her weapon around carelessly. We were scouting for the Red Teams Flag right now and I for the first time in my entire life was not enjoying Capture the Flag. Astrid stopped and starred at me "well hurry up" she huffed

"With what" I asked trying to cover my annoyance

"Ask away, I know when someone has questions they wanna ask, so, go for it" she smiled.

I raised my eye brow "I don't think it's the time for that" I smiled, she shook her head and in a blur she took Riptide and Tyson's shield off me "hey, give it back" I exclaimed as she grinned wildly, "not till you ask your question, I'll answer anything"

"What do you do for the gods, and why does it leave my dad and Grover so nervous" I asked aggressively.

She paused from her usual smile "ok, I'll spill, I-" Astrid raised her head and looked around.

She slowly handed me back my weapons and put her Double Sword in a defensive position "get behind me" she ordered. We went back to back, I allowed my senses to open up and I heard a rustling. Astrid became ridged "GET DOWN!" she ordered tackling me.

We both got up back into battling position but this time we knew what we were battling, a beautiful women with a serpent body from her hips down starred hungrily at us. Her golden eyes were glistening at us and she moved her head smoothly.

Astrid smirked and wiped her mouth "I knew I heard a snake" she smiled, the beast slithered towards us with deadly speed. I hacked Riptide across, leaving a deep cut on her cheek "will you answer my question" I asked Astrid who twirled her sword above her head "this isn't the time Ariel" she huffed running at the monster stabbing her weapon into her hip and spinning left throwing the beast into a tree, spraying splinters everywhere. Astrid returned skidding to my side but keeping her weapon up "Ast-"

"Wait for it"


"Wait for it" she repeated

"NOW !!" She yelled forward rolling as the monster pounced forward almost completely unharmed. Astrid held the centre shaft of her sword with both hands and moved in a circular motion cutting a slice in the middle of the Snake tail, but that didn't phase the monster.

I slashed riptide at the tail cutting a large gash into the scaly skin, her eyes forming slits from her anger. I put my shield up as she sprayed something at me, I started to stiffen and lose movement in my limbs. I fell to my knees dropping all of my weapons, my eyes glazed over as I became prey. Just before the monster could attack me she was turned into monster dust.

I was flipped onto my back and Astrid felt for my pulse "this is going to go down well" she moaned squeezing my numb face's cheeks, Chiron galloped to where we were "what happened, is he all right" Chiron asked as blackness took over my vision. I faded into unconsciousness.

~Demigod, Dreamin Alert~

I groaned painfully as I got up, I must of got up too quickly cause I instantly got a head rush. I looked at my surroundings and almost let my heart jump out of my throat, I was on Mt Tamalpais and before me was Atlas, no longer bearing his punishment. He stood tall, proud and bloodthirsty "Perseus Jackson" he sneered. I reached for Riptide in my pocket but it wasn't there, I tried to stand up straight but quickly I was chained down to the cold black marble floor.

I struggled against the heavy metal till Atlas's foot nudged my head backwards "you'll and all of your friends will get a lot more than this once I'm done with you" he grinned widely. His javelin appeared in his hands as he aimed at my eye, he thrusted downwards with pure force.

~Dreamin Over Peeps~

My eyes opened quickly and I gasped wildly, or as quickly as I could with my mouth closed. I was still paralysed but my ears luckily worked "Chiron, Lamia seemed to really want Percy, I've killed her thrice and she still wanted him, at least she has good taste I'll give her that" Astrid smirked. Annabeth punched her on the arm "seriously, your making puns, Percy could have died" Annabeth said sourly. I tried to groan the loudest I could muster.

No one but Chiron could hear me "Percy your up" he said in a joyous tone, he approached me in his wheel chair and poured some sort of potion in my mouth that tasted like really sour strawberries, instantly I felt my body again, sadly it left a dull achy pain everywhere. I sat up a tad bit "what happened, all I remember was being paralysed" I groaned, Astrid nodded

"Yeah that's usually what happens when you breath in Lamia's spray, it's so she can eat children, nasty stuff" she commented. Grover instantly got nervous and started to eat a tin can "don't all monsters eat children" I asked.

Astrid shrugged "kinda, normal monster usually stick with demigods, Lamia tends to eat any kid that crosses her path, demigods are kinda like caviar to her" Astrid explained. Annabeth was nauseous "trust that you would make something that disgusting sound like a punch line" Annabeth said in a nauseating tone. Astrid smiled as though it were an achievement "I try my best" Astrid added. I shook my head which wasn't a smart idea, Astrid smirked as my face went green, but that wasn't the only thing.

Green fog rolled in as Rachael floated through the infirmary pathway, her eyes were lit up a serpent green "err not again" I managed to spit out.


What a cliffy, I feel really bad but hey, what can ya do right? so what is the prophecy out red headed oracle armed with a blue hair brush gonna spit out? What is the deal with Atlas? Why am I continuously adding questions? Comment what you think will happen in the prophecy, comment, list and enjoy.

What should your nick name be, I'd like to know, it feels weird without a nick name huh

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