6: Fountian of Newsenses

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"I can't do that Percy"

"Don't, Nico, I am having an Annabeth moment" I huffed

"That bad huh" he asked. I nodded

"Fine, she takes care of Olympus's big problems, the ones that take a different perspective" Nico shrugged

"WHAT, if your gonna be cryptic, be a little obvious" I huffed.

Nico rolled his eyes "you really are a seaweed brain, ok, now my dad may or may not have told me that mortals are evolving so when these evolving genes are passed on and when mixed with godly blood, a different species is created stronger than any half bloods recorded, they are the Alpha Bloods, these Alpha Bloods are often recruited by Olympus to take care of problems, like when a swim coach of a monster wants to eat a mortal to destroying an enemy's plans, she stopped Pallas from rising with Gaia" Nico huffed.

I shook my head "who's Pallas?"

"Titan of warfare and consort of Styx, Son of Krios and Eurybia, his got big anger issues and a bigger ego than Ares, oh and hi Boys" Astrid smiled with her arms crossed and eyes flooded with anger "Di Angelo, you barely lasted, 10 minuets, 10 bloody minuets" Astrid hissed

"Your an Alpha Blood" I questioned. She nodded and glared me down

"Yes and if you wanted to know something you should have asked me, instead of snooping, looks like Annabeth really did runoff on you" she huffed.

I instantly felt guilt, I defiantly should have see that one coming my way she rolled her eyes "we should make camp, I saw a clearing ahead that'll be good" she huffed while turning on her heel and walking off with Leon.

It was about 8:00 at night and Nico had crashed after shadow traveling, Astrid was being quiet as she poked the fire carelessly "hurry up and ask will ya" she huffed not daring to look away from the fire "could you explain to me, everything, why you work for Olympus, the Alpha Blood thing" I asked. She nodded

"Well Nico told you the basics, my enhancements is something called Peak Human Condition, it means that everything about me from mental to physical is at it's highest capability, it makes me almost hear super human, that with demigod blood, and my mother being Nike means I'm basically the ideal weapon, intelligence with physical strengths" Astrid told irritated.

I nodded "that's not that bad, why is everyone so distant about it" I questioned

"Cause, my farther died protecting my secret, the government may not know about the gods, but when a fourteen year old beats a world track record, it grabs their attention, that's when my mum gave me a compass that leads me to what I want most, what I wanted was a home, so camp half blood it was" she said with a pang in her voice.

She looked up with her eyes glinting with early tears "Percy" she chimed quietly

"Yeah Astrid" I said softly not daring to remove my eyes from hers

"Thank you, it's nice to, talk, I don't get to do that often, being on the road, maybe when all of this is over, and I don't die, we could, ya know, kick some monster butt" I smiled at her and nodded "yer, that sounds great", she smiled knowing that I had just agreed on her offer.

We sat in silence till we heard a distant melody, so enchanting, so gorgeous it had to be godly. We both rose to our feet, Astrid midge Nico "come on" she huffed as we left our camp, approaching the harmonious song.

We stopped at a golden glow and the bubble and churn of a golden fountain with nine gorgeous golden women at it's centre, we walking it not the place seeing a beautiful garden full of Moonlace which bloomed happily illuminating the scene "where are we" Astrid asked in a trance like joy. We listened more as the music got stronger and the golden glow of the fountain got brighter, it was so bright we had to shield our eyes from it.

Once it's ceased the women moved away the leader smiled happily "hello youth heroes, I am Calliope, and welcome to the Fountain of Muses" she cheered brightening the room as she widened her arms

An: so I hope you enjoyed that, and I hope you understand Astrid a bit more, but there is more to come, adventure excitement, where do you think it's heading, and who can make all the muses, if you can I will shout out. Bye guys

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