Chapter 1: I Play Dodge a Dragon

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Welcome to camp half blood where heroes re born and limbs are sometimes lost, where teenagers and kids play with pointy sharp objects and and pretend to almost kill each other, a place that's a lot safer than out there. What type of kid ago to this camp well most of us are demigods half human and half Greek god or goddess, we have a few dryads, nymphs and satyrs. Who am I in all of this, my names Percy Jackson saviour of Olympus twice with a list of achievements that puts past heroes to shame, this story or should I say adventure is when an old camp heroine returned to her home.


I was sitting on the jetty with Grover eating enough junk food to kill both of the Stoll brothers till we heard something approached at full Speed from the sky. I tacked Grover to the ground as the object landed, Grover and I both climbed out way into the jetty. I clicked riptide as I saw a girl climb off a dragons back. The dragon was slick and black but had bright blue lines across its body like war paint but actually apart of its body. The girl had medium sandy brown hair that would have went just past her shoulders if it wasn't tied up in a pony tail. She had tanned skin and a lean athletic figure, sparkling blue eyes and joyful smile.

Her clothes were simple black cargo pants, sneakers, a blue Aqua plaid button down t-shirt. On her back was a double blade sword almost two meters in length, the girl hopped off and looked at me. I pulled riptide out and she put her hands up "chill demi dude, no need to go Greek on me, just wanted to pop in see old friends, speaking of old friend, Grover nice horns" she said while walking towards us. Grover ran to her and she man hugged him, Grover laughed as I approached "oh Perce, this is"

"Hi I'm Astrid, daughter of Nike, nice to meet you, sorry if Leon hit you" she smiled at the dragon that went to her side. I put Riptide in pen form.

I walked with Astrid who was riding her dragon like a horse "so your the one who saved Olympus, cool" she said like it was nothing. Chiron ran up to Astrid and hugged her "Chiron you haven't gotten soft have you" she asked. Chiron laughed and lead her to the centre of camp where a warm welcome was given, apparently everyone knew this girl but me. She looked around "where's Owl Eyes, wanted to tell her about this building I saw" Astrid exclaimed. I froze at the mention of Annabeth and before you say anything were no longer together, sadly we had to part, she wanted a normal life and I couldn't give that to her right now she was attending Harvard and has a new boyfriend we IM each other still which I appreciate.

Everyone was talking to Astrid, asking her questions. I didn't know what to think about this girl, she must of made her mark long ago, but something was on her mind, occupied her thoughts. I noticed she glanced at the Hermes cabin looking for someone to walkout lie, the other cabin leaders and I noticed she was looking for the old cabin leader. Her old friend and mind, she was looking for Luke.


I sat on the sand looking out at the water as the moonlight bounced off its calm pulsing surface. Someone came up from behind and huffed "what's got you down" Astrid asked. I starred at her and shrugged "nothing really just thinking about old friends" I told. She nodded and grabbed a smooth flat rock and skimmed it on the water "yeah me too, normally when I come back something's broken cause the Stolls broke something or the Ares cabin try to reenact the Gerald butler movie, 300 was it" she said. I nodded with a smirk

"But something's off missing, last time I came here was during a funeral, my, mate said he had plans to change things for him self, save him self but, I don't know what happened to him" she murmured.

I felt her eyes on me "who was your friend" I asked trying not to show any personal acknowledgement "Luke Castellan, we became close friends till I decided to, err, explore the world and he took his role as cabin leader, we saw each other on my visits but it was tense, I had no real reason to make more frequent stops after that so I left for a good came back in 08 and he was gone, thought he'd be back by now when I came here but guess I was wrong" she said in a strained voice.

I looked at her "um Astrid, I'm sorry but Luke died almost two years ago, to kill Kronos" I told. She nodded

"I know, Chiron told me after dinner" she told. I nodded as she skimmed another rock "so why did you, you know venture out" I asked. She shrugged

"Needed to get away, mum claimed me when I was young but I have no siblings, dad died when I was five and, I don't know, I love the thrill of going on my own path" she shrugged lightening her mood.

I smirked "I've had enough of adventures for a life time", her face darkened as I turned my head towards her "no, you've had enough quests for a life time, an adventure is going with the wind, Percy your life is based on a prophecy, to a mere poem, why not follow a path you can create for your self, look I'm leaving on Sunday, that's in one weeks time, if you wanna you can tag along, if not stay, I don't mind either way, but doom and gloom is never fun, trust me" she smiled while standing and walking away.

I turned back to the water and looked up, what she said made sense. I've never followed my own ambitions, gods I turned down college so I could help around camp. I don't know what to do, and for once my decision is on me and only I can make it.

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