When you have a nightmare

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I looked around and it was dark. 


"Uncle paps?"

Then I heard someone giggle. It sent shivers down my whole body.

"They don't love you. There just keeping you here as a favor."

I stuttered as tears were welling up in my eyes.


"They want you dead."

"T- that's not true, they love me!"

The unidentified figure giggled out loud.

"See for yourself."

All of a sudden,there was a flash of light. I opened my eyes and I  saw my  uncle Papyrus. I called out to him.

"Uncle Papyrus, it's me (y/n)!"

I tried to run to him, but I was stopped. I was blue now.

"Don't come near me you poor excuse of a living being. I don't know why my brother even took you in."

I was in utter shock. Never had my  uncle talked to someone that way, especially to me. He dissapeard and another flash took over. This time it was my dad who was in front of me. He looked so scary. His powerful eye was glowing and his gaster blasters were behind him.


"shut up you dirty family killer. Why did you kill Papyrus!?"

"W- wait, I would never kill anyone!"

"and you think I'm going to just believe someone like you. A dirty human. I should have never took you with me back when I found you. "

My heart broke, is that really how my dad felt about me? I was pouring tears as I  fell to the floor. What happened next, was so fast. I turned blue and the next thing I know I'm being impaled by bones. Then it all faded to black.

                -END OF DREAM-

You woke up and screamed. Tears pouring down your face. Your father and your uncle came barging through the door. They saw your tear stained face and rushed to your side. They embraced you into a hug. You were gaping for air, as you sobbed in between them.

"alright baby bones, calm down. everything's going to be ok. tell us what happened."

"You both hated me and didn't want me anymore. You said you wished you just left me instead of taking me home... and then you k-killed me daddy!"

"(y/n), look at me. we love you so much, we would never want to hurt you. It was only a dream, ok baby bones? we love you so, so much."


You smiled and snuggled back into your bed.

"alright baby bones try and get some sleep, we love you."

They both kissed you on your forehead and left. Right then and there you felt... safe.

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