when you go to the time out chair

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(This was literally the time out chair I had as a kid XD)

Right now you were currently arguing with your dad because he needed to pick something up from hotland and he needed you to come with him because everyone was busy, but you didn't want to go so you started having a tantrum.

"common (y/n), i don't have time for this right now, let's go. "

"No, I don't want to go!"

"(y/n),i'm going to count to three, and you better be out the door by then."

You stood your ground and stuck your tongue at him, He frowned.




You stood there with your arms crossed. You got startled when you were levitated into the air with blue surrounding you. He walked with you still in the blue aurora. You knew exactly where he was taking you. The time out chair. Sans never believed in being physical, so he uses this instead, and it proves to be affective.

He lowered you into the chair. You tried getting up, but he put his magic around you again to make sure you didn't move from the chair.

"you know the drill, one minute for each year. You need to wait five minutes."

You sniffed and turned to look at the corner. You started to wait out your  five minutes until it was over with. He released the magic around you and walked over to you. He keeled down to your height.

"(y/n), do you know why i put you in the time out chair today?"

You nodded your head.

"tell me why i put you in the time out chair today. "

"B- because I wasn't doing what I was told to do."

"and did ya learn your lesson?"

"Y-yes, I'm sorry daddy, it won't happen again. "

"apology accepted. come here."

You were engulfed into his warm embrace. You were a good kid.If you did something wrong, you learned quickly not to do it again. But you barely did anything wrong, and Sans was happy about that.

You both went downstairs and headed outside to do some errands with your father. You actually enjoyed it, and regretted ever acting the way you did earlier. You learnt your lesson.

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