(A/N) Dark times are coming (please read!)

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Ok, so I would like to start off with a Hello everybody! I hope you guys enjoyed my last chapter, but that's not what I want to talk about. As you can see, the title says "dark times are coming." Well, what in the heck does that mean!?

Well, in the upcoming chapters that will be coming out soon, there will be a lot of mention of Suicide, self harm, and severe bullying.

If you are uncomfortable about reading these serious topics, then by all means stop reading. I will let you know the warnings at the top of the chapter before you start reading, so you should be ok.

I also want to say that all the topics that will be mentioned such as: Suicide, self harm, bullying, depression, is sn extremely serious and sensitive topic. I love all my readers and I want you all to know that if you are feeling this way to please get help! I have been though it all, and getting help is the right way! Just know I'm always here for you and if you don't think anyone loves or cares about you, I do!

So please read at your own risk and precautions and know that you are loved! ❤❤❤

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