Falen Auro

295 16 5



The cover of this book is marvelously well-crafted. The green mist swirling around the figure is also a nice touch, as well as the many reward stickers (which are well earned by the way) are another factor that draw you in. Knowing that an author has become acknowledged for their work is always nice, but you are a prime example of this. A cover is a big part of a book, as it helps draw readers in and get the feel of your story. And I'm happy to say that you've nailed that part.


There's nothing wrong with it. It highlights one of the main points of your story, but subtly, and you have to read on to learn more. Speaking of which, I can tell that another strength of yours is revealing some things, but not everything- which is something even the best of books can end up doing. 


Your summary leaves a lot to be revealed and makes a lot of questions come up, but not in a bad way. As I said earlier, you reveal just enough, especially about the characters and the overall atmosphere of your story. The amount of authors who just throw in a couple sentences, or tell the entire summary, can be appalling at times. But you do not do this. The summary was another factor that told me this story was going to be great.

G R A M M A R   A N D  E D I T I N G

Let's be honest here. Nobody's perfect. The best of stories and the best of authors make mistakes. In fact, I've ran into quite a few books with an excellent idea, but the grammar was hard to ignore. But I scanned the chapters for ages trying to find mistakes and I couldn't find any! Your dad did a great job! Another big factor. Another success. 

P L O T   

Your story flows very well, with characters that have fleshed out motives, solid descriptions, and a clear sense of what is going on in this story and why. Whilst some people tend to hop back and forth or skip steps in the plot, I can tell that the events in your story are leading up to something just as good as this story already is. The pacing is excellent. 

C H A R A C T E R S 

Oh have I been waiting to get to this part for a while. The characters in Falen Auro are astounding, especially Falen. He was built in a very progressive way. The more time you spend reading about him, the more you know about his past, which is a way better strategy than randomly cramming in exposition at unexpected times. I also like Orolo, as his personality and how close he is to Falen really help him become a likable character. Although, a part of me wishes that the original mother and the dragon mother could come up again sometime. They seemed to be fairly important characters as well. Although you most likely have a plan for them, as this story is still being developed.

O V E R A L L 

This book is excellent, and well worth the read. The plot flow is magnificent, the characters are likable and well-established early on, the grammar is on point. Honestly, I can't find anything wrong with this story. I'd give it a solid ten out of ten, and I do not think I'm very easy to please. I myself have gotten hooked on this book, and I hope you'll publish more soon. 

(I apologize about how late this review has come in. Lately, I haven't had much time on my hands. I appreciate you being patient.)

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