We're just getting started

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Grillbys POV
immediately after the attack Asgore called the generals and leaders to a meeting. Seeing the cold fury on their Kings face, no one dared to defy this.

"How could this happen!" Screamed Asgore slamming his fist down on the dark wooded table, the large tent they stood under provided shelter,  but it it didn't step the bright sun rays from seeping through the little tears.

Asgore's guards, generals, and right hand men flushed with color. The king had reprimanded them for an attack they had not known about.

Grillby's flame flickered with nervousness, he stole a look over at his friend,Gaster, who was fiddling with the end of his clothing.

When no one responded to the king he pulled himself off the table and glanced at the group before him,
"I expect this to never happen again,"
He stated, the crowd nodded.
"I call the forts to assemble today, generals,"
Asgore glanced at Gaster, Grillby, and dogmarrasse,
"I will assign you down areas to wait while I recruit your units, I will send them to meet you, and I will meet you shortly with the location of your new fort"
The trio nodded indicating they understood.
The king gave a satisfied nod and glared at the guards,
"I believe I sent you all to protect the village,  not welcome them in for a cup of tea!" He snarled bearing his front fangs, the crew slouched under the weight of the kings glare, He scoffed and turned away,
"I'll spare you a punishment, but I'm so ever disappointed in you all,"
The guards bowed there heads, and King Asgore took a deep breath,
"We lost more than I would have liked too today," he whispered almost pathetically.

The group was token aback by the sudden change in tone, but all nodded their heads in agreement.

"A funeral will be held a couple days after we've set up," he whispered again.
Then he waved his hands indicating that they are excused and walked out of the tent
Grillby marched with his group to his camp site, glancing up from his map he steered his crew to the left a bit.
Emptiness crawled through him, he had not said goodbye to his loved ones and friends.
He couldn't bring himself to it, coward you would call him but he didn't want to endure there pained expressions and watery eyes Because at the moment he had a hard time holding himself together.
I'll write them a note
He told himself, though it did not ignite  his dangerously low flames. Hopefully  no one in his group understood elementals enough to recognize what he's feeling at the moment.
It was only a 12 hour walk (not including breaks) before the group arrived at their camp,
Grillby stared up at it,
Is all he could muster up.
There was one big green metal building supporting a wooden sign that read
And off to right there was an area covered in mud and fenced in by a wooden fence
Sparing area
Grimaced Grillby eying the many piles of residue mixing in with the mud,
Grillby raised his fist in the air motioning for all commotion to stop, he then turned around facing his group and yelled,
"Go set up your tents and drop off your belongings, don't bother unpacking meet in the camberi in ten"
He pointed his finger towards the only building on the little land surrounded by trees.
Grillby pressed his fingers together resting his head on his thumbs, he watched as his soldiers filled in the seats of the tables.
Him and a couple of volunteers wondered through the camberi before his soldiers arrived, no dangers popped up, though a young feline named "Jager" chased a couple of rats out of the building.  The camberi consisted of five rooms, the biggest one the main room, where they will eat lunch and host meetings. Another room the kitchen, though it did not have the normal kitchen necessities. They do not have any plumbing so the running water will have to be fetched from a nearby river, the fire will have to be built by had and the food will have to cook over it. So mainly the kitchen supplied the foods they brought with them in their wagon, and at the moment the wagons were parked outside the building and were going to be attended to after the meeting.
The last three rooms had no assigned purpose so Grillby, agreeing with his group, decided to make it into little trading shops, blacksmith, and a storage room for training supplies. And all under ten minutes.
The crowd of soldiers sat before him, some with looks of awe, for seeing an elemental was rare despite the large neighborhood of them, and some looked at him with strong loyalty.
Grillby peered down at them, great pride already swelling in his chest.
He gave them all a tiny flicker of kindness
"This will be a short meeting, for it is merely a headcount. I'll give you all some instructions and I expect them done by the end of the day."
The crowd nodded at him, and some with rather defiant looks,
Grillby sighed,
"Yes, I know the journey had been long and tiring, but I don't expect these task to take you too long. And you all with the next two days to settle in and rest,"
Happy faces brightened and some scowls flipped upside down.
Grillby flickered a wave of heat in relief
I can't start this off with a bad reputation
" Ok so I need..."
Grillby did one last sweep before ushering the last of his soldiers to set up their tents for the night, the wagons were emptied and the resources in them were safely stored away in its rightful area.

When turning the corner a rodent popped out from the wall causing Grillby to jump and flare up his flames defensively, staring after the rodent as it scampered away Grillby lowered his flames cursing at himself.
There will be a lot more scarier things out there
Grillby hung his head slightly allowing the nervousness hit him like a wave, Grillby swayed dangerously hitting the wall. He was never the one to deal with stress as well, it was always Gaster...
His thoughts trailed off and a sudden impact of grief filled his soul,
I might never see Gaster alive again...
Grillby shook his head
Don't think that
Grillby lifted himself off the wall and dragged his feet out of the camberi,
Instead of the brightness of the sun blinding his eyes, it was the shiny stars and moon.
Grillby was always a sucker for the sky, the never ending canvas that looked as if someone took a paint brush and flicked yellow paint at it, the waves of purple,blue, and red that blended in together so nicely that it came out as one beautiful color in the end.
Grillby tore his eyes away from them and walked over to his already set up tent.
He hadn't even had time to set up his bed, he flopped onto the dry grass and let the sleep overcome him.

Guess who feels like an Ass for giving you guys a chapter with just barely 1000 words after giving you a chapter of 2,400?
Well anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the Chapter and i want to apologize for any mistakes
(Grammar, Spelling,etc)
See you next time!

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