Clear Beginning

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We're Gaster and Grillby's suspicions true you may ask . Heh, you can't have a story without a problem. But as you already know a little monster no older than 7 ventured into the "monster free" village by accident. The humans responded with anger, they arrested the poor child and without much discussion executed them. The monsters roared with rage at such a inhuman act, all the humans could say to defend their actions was "they could have taken a human soul! And become a god to slaughter all of human kind!"

The monsters were livid and tense after the execution, if the humans were not hesitant to murder an innocent child who's says they won't murder more? All of Monster kind was sure to not step a toe out of line for 5 years, personally it was quite impressive. They were sure to stay out of the humans way and let them do what they need to when a monster had done wrong.

May 4, 1945, a skeleton was crossing the street when accidentally trodding on a humans foot. The human responded with many racial slurs that i dare not say. The very offended skeleton couldn't take anymore and punched the human in the jaw clearly dislocating it, It would of been a fascinating sight if it didn't mean the death of the poor skeleton. Moments later the  humans were informed of this act, furious they arrested the skeleton on the spot and immediately put the skeleton on the execution list.

Monster kind couldn't take this anymore, at this point they were being controlled. They packed up their things and left the city and took refuge in the mountain the city is so famously known for, Mt.Ebott. The humans took notice of the monsters absence and were pleased, but only to become livid again when a monster representative journeyed from the mountain to discus with the human council.
"I have come to inform you on a deal me and my people have discussed," stated the representative "We will continue to follow your rules only if you allow us to build a new village just outside of the city."
"Certainly only-" started the human's minister
"Oh I'm not done" smiled the representative
"If any human were to 'wonder' into our village we will kill them and do what we please with their remains"
"Wh-what! No! I refuse! You do not have permission to kill my people!" Snarled the minister
"It's not like you've been dandy to us either" replied the representative,
"That is our deal, build a village and have free rein to do whatever we please with the humans that wonder in or face the consequences."
"Consequences? Is that a threat?" Snarled the minister,
"No, it's a promise" replied the representative and with that he spun on his heel and marched out of the room leaving the minister in a fit of rage.

    The representative informed King Asgore of the ministers words and suggested a rebellious act. A couple days later a group of monsters of various races , chosen by the king himself, caused a train crash killing at least 40 humans. With that act the humans declared war.

Gasters POV

'Things really haven't changed' thought Gaster at another Monster Council Meeting. Gaster was so deep in thought that the screaming and shouting from the council was merely whispers in his non-existent ears. The last meeting he was at resulted in 40 human deaths, Gaster felt satisfied with these announced deaths. It was revenge, it was revenge for those monsters who were wrongfully executed. It was revenge for-
"Surely the humans would take us back?" Said a council member confidently
Gaster snapped his head up and stared at the monster, making him shift uncomfortably in his seat.
Gaster lowered his gaze and scoffed at the foolish monster.
"The humans already declared war, know isn't the time to be weak and hesitant. If we have to kill than so be it." Asgore looked at Gaster with the expression as if he had just witness a child do murder. Gaster shook his head,
"We knew this was going to happen soon.We've wanted this to happen, it's to late to back out now. We cannot allow humans to tie strings around us and control us." Said Gaster fury building up, "There is a war going on! And I expect all of you to fight till your dying breath! I expect you to defy them even when they show you mercy!" Shouted Gaster "They will suffer for what they've done! I'll behead them! I'll Watch them suffer! And I'm telling you I'll savor every second of it." Growled Gaster.

The council smiled,
"We expect nothing less from you Gaster" grinned a monster to the right of Gaster. Asgore cleared his throat,
"Alright Alright, now didn't we call Gaster to this meeting for a reason?" He gestured to the council to carry on. A beefy fish on Asgore's left stood up and cleared his throat.
" it has come to our attention, Wing-Ding Gaster, that you have graduated from the institution of magic degree after a 4 year program," he took a deep breath and carried on as if the words were causing him great pain " I and the rest of the council have agreed on offering you the position of chief in the middle night fort," he stopped and looked at Gaster with envy.
"Me and whom?" Asked Gaster, there was no way in hell was he going to willingly work with this overcooked salmon-"unfortunately you will be working alone in middle night fort-" Asgore shot the fish a warning look. "Grillby will be taking the position as chief in the north night fort, while we hope you will take on Chief for the middle night fort," and with a grimace the fish continued " Dogmarrase will take on Chief for the south night fort" the fish then bowed towards Asgore and sat down clearly flushed.

A council member shifted uncomfortably in his chair
" Sir, may you remind me of the stations?" Asked the monster sheepishly. The Fish snapped his head towards the quivering monster at the end of the row, with a look of disgrace he explained
"North night point is where we place our strongest monsters, Middle night point is where we put our talented but," the fish smirked at Gaster "not qualified monsters," Gaster felt magic burn in his face, "South night point is where we place the weak, unwilling, and distrusted." The fish narrowed his eyes towards Gaster
"Now, Gaster do you accept this position?"
Gaster stood up and bowed
"I Wing-Ding Gaster humbly accept your offer."
"Gaster, i now appoint you chief of middle night fort" said Asgore with a smile so big the corners of his mouth reached the end of his face.
And with that the meeting was departed, Gaster opened the tent flaps scanning the meadow that peacefully lay in front of him. Taking a deep breath he stepped out the tent taking only a couple steps on the path that led to his village when a big furry hand clamped his shoulder. Gaster spun around and made eye contact with the King, making movements of bowing the King brushed his hands.
"Gaster, Please. I merely would like to congratulate you."
"Thank you your majesty! It's an honor coming from you." Spoke Gaster, Asgore looked as if he was trying to get something off his chest.
"Gaster, what you said back in the meeting is why we chose you for the position" Gaster's face hardened "and I shall stick to my word your majesty, they will pay for what they've done," Gaster suddenly felt self conscious about a scar on the back of his skull.      " Even if I have to die doing it."

A/N Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was really fun writing but I'm super excited to be writing these upcoming events! Don't forget to leave a vote! If you have any suggestions or tips for me please leave it in the comments! Until then!

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