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I am what you cannot see

I am trapped in your body

I am the voice inside your head

Without me you would be dead

Thanks to me you can feel

Thanks to me you can dream

I am not what makes you breathing

But I am what frees your humanity

I am nothing and everything

I may not even be here

However it is me talking

Not being seen doesn't mean not existing

I am what makes you love and cry

I am what makes you care and smile

Despite what you think I cannot be broken

I am infinite and always woken

Without me you'll be an empty shell

Though owing to me you may feel overwhelmed

I try not to devour you alive

I try not to absorb your smile

To me it is hard to bear

You're the one living and I swallow the pain

Sometimes I too would like another life

I'm trapped between your walls and can't escape through your cries

I love the body I settled in

However if you're thinking about ending its life

Here is your soul talking

Saying it would like to stay alive

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