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Healing my flesh with his kisses

Repairing my heart only by being here

Lifting me when my knees hit the floor

Coming at home when broken is my soul

Singing at loud Hamilton in his car

Sleeping in his bed when it's late at night

Loving me when I need him to

Hating me but only for a day or two

Taking the blade away from me always

Calling me to make sure I'll forever be okay

Understanding my feelings even when the wall is up

Bursting out of laughing even if we've grown up

Sharing the weight on my shoulders

Carrying it alone when I can't anymore

Supporting me in everything I do

Looking at me with amazing eyes : green, brown and blue

He has never seen my writings

Because reading isn't his thing

However, some day he will

And he'll realise they're all about him

Never knew what happiness was

Until this moment we had

Let me tell you I am the luckiest girl

To have such a friend in my life

I may be broken

But it doesn't mean everything sucks

I am tied to life by chains of gold

Because I have found my Eldorado

This is a poem about him

On a favorite song of his

Because he has saved my life

And continues to do it still

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