Chapter 7

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Two months passed since rebels went with Reddie to Arkinnea and he hadn't called them. Sabine's hope that he would come back was decreasing. It wasn't like she would like him or something, but she was still curious who he was. She had few sketches of him in her notebook. Once she even did a research and made a list of possible races that he could belong to. Sadly there was not much information she could use to narrow it down.

The Ghost landed on Lothal. The crew needed money again and decided to ask Vizago for a job. They approached the small camp and aimed straight to Vizago's tent. He was sitting in front of it, legs casually on the table.

"Hey! How's my favourite crew?" He yelled at them from distance. Kanan just smiled politely. "If you're looking for a job I think I might have something for you." Vizago smiled wickedly. Hera sighed. He would give them a dangerous task and pay them so little they would have to accept another of his offers.

Hera's comlink beeped. It startled her a bit. She wasn't expecting a call from Fulcrum and there were not many more people who had a contact on her. Kanan looked questioningly at her. Hera shrugged and accepted the call.

"Hi, Reddie here. Do you remember me?" a voice asked. Sabine smiled broadly.

"Yes, of course." Hera confirmed.

"Ok, here's the thing: I'm on Garel and I need to get out. Quickly. Can you come for me? And I mean right now."

Hera furrowed. "Something happened?" She asked.

"Yeaaah, kind of..." He prolonged and trailed off. "The Empire. And few other people. I'd pay you double; it could be a bit dangerous. But they don't know where I am at the moment. Can I send you the coordinates?" Reddie asked.

Hera looked at Kanan silently asking for his opinion. Kanan glanced at Vizago, then back to Hera and nodded.

"Yes. We're coming." Hera ended the call and received the exact coordinates.

"It seems we've got something better to do." Sabine laughed at Vizago, whose mood visibly changed to the worse. Kanan smiled apologetically, but turned around and was glad he didn't have to risk his life for the smuggler.

Reddie was lucky they were on Lothal at the moment. Garel was a planet which was located near Lothal. The crew had to enter the hyperspace and in few minutes they arrived. The place seemed abandoned. They opened the platform and got out of the ship.

Two Imperials soldiers appeared near. Kanan and the rest of the crew tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, but the soldiers noticed them and walked to them. They didn't seem hostile, but Sabine hid a blaster behind her back and Zeb casually leaned on his bo-rifle.

"Good morning, have you this man?" The trooper showed him the datapad. In the picture, there was a familiar hooded figure.

"Well," Kanan thought, "I am sorry, but it could be anyone with that hood. Don't you have a better picture?" Kanan pretended to cooperate.

"No, we don't. It wouldn't help anyway," one of them shrugged sadly, "I don't think anyone has ever seen his face."

Hera looked at the datapad briefly. "No, we haven't seen him."

"Well, be careful, he is very dangerous. If you meet him, contact us immediately." The soldier ordered.

"Yes, of course." Kanan nodded. Then both soldiers left. Kanan turned around as he heard a whistle. Reddie was leaning on a container. He carried something in his left hand and had the whole arm pressed tightly against his body. He casted a quick glance at the surroundings and then walked slowly to the ship.

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