Chapter 8

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Notes: Let's make a jump to the future where Ezra already joined the crew…

(Hera doesn't exactly know Reddie is a bounty hunter, just saying...)

Takes place in/after the Call of Action.

Kanan stood firmly in front of the elevator. The Inquisitor slowly walked to him, smiling. The whole area was full of stormtroopers. Kanan used his lightsaber to disable the elevator to prevent Pau'an from following Ezra and the rest.

Then Kanan attacked to buy some time for Hera, who flew to the top of the tower and picked up Zeb, Sabine and Ezra. Then she steadied the ship and avoided the gunfire.

"Specter two, get out of here!" Kanan yelled to the comlink. He was being firmly held by the Force against the wall.

"Not an option, Kanan!" Hera said.

"No time! Go!" Kanan tried to persuade her.

"We can't." Ezra almost cried desperately. "Hera!"

The gunfire was too heavy, she had to leave…

"I think we found something." Sabine said and shared the information stolen from the Imperial ship.

Kanan was held near Lothal on the cruiser. They had a chance to save him…

Hera, Ezra, Sabine and Zeb were sitting at the table and looking at the hologram of the Imperial cruiser. They needed a plan but whatever they came up with had lots of weaknesses. And they had no idea how to cope with the Inquisitor.

The basics they thought about were: Hera piloting and sending an Imperial Tie to the cruiser, which would cause an electromagnetic discharge and disable all devices on board. That would allow them to land and get a few minutes of time. Sabine would arrange her explosives, and Zeb with Hera would hold back stormtroopers. Ezra would go to collect Kanan and Chopper would stay on their ship and keep it ready for escape.

But the problem was Ezra couldn't go alone. If he ran into the Inquisitor, he wouldn't stand much a chance. And they couldn't all go together, if they were separated then the Imperials would have to concentrate on more targets.

"We need someone. One more person who can go with the kid." Zeb motioned to Ezra.

"We are on our own in this." Hera shook her head. Sabine rested her hands on the table and she thought hard. How to adjust the plan to fit for four people and Chopper?

But then she got an idea. "And what if there is someone who may be able to help us?" Sabine lighted up.

"Who?" Ezra asked.

"Reddie." Sabine smiled.

"Why would he help us?" Hera asked.

"We can at least try." Sabine shrugged.

"Who is Reddie?" Ezra asked.

"Sabine's mysterious boyfriend." Zeb burst out.

"What?" Ezra looked disappointed.

"No, he is not." Sabine defended herself. "He is…" Sabine thought for a moment. "…well, we don't know much about him, but I think he could help. At least he could know what to do. He has some experiences with missions, going undercover and stuff."

"Well, it's not like we would have any more options." Hera said. She handed her comlink to Sabine.

"Do you want me to call him?" Sabine looked surprised.

"Yes. You are the only one who he actually talked to here." Hera explained.

"Ok." Sabine inhaled deeply and called.

"Reddie?" She asked.

"Sabine? What's going on?" Reddie asked. He obviously wasn't used to receiving calls.

"Hi. Ehm, you know, I probably wouldn't call you, but I really had to try…" Sabine blabbered shakily.

"Something happened?" Reddie sounded confused.

"Yes." Sabine confirmed. "Do you…? Do you remember Kanan?" Sabine asked.

"The Jedi? Of course."

"The Empire captured him. We don't know what to do." Sabine confessed. "We can't leave him."

"And you need my help to get him out? Is that why you're calling?" Reddie checked Sabine's intentions.

"Yes. He is on the Imperial cruiser orbiting Lothal, but they will soon leave." Sabine explained.

"I've heard much about your crew…Why is suddenly an attack at some cruiser difficult for you?" Reddie asked curiously.

"It's because of the Inquisitor. We can't fight him. Only Kanan could." Sabine trailed off.

"Inquisitor? Who is he?" Reddie asked.

Ezra leaned over the table to say something to Reddie, but Hera stopped him and gestured to him to stay silent.

"Someone really dangerous. He has a lightsaber and his task is to search for Jedis and kill them." Sabine explained.

"And he is aboard?" Reddie asked.

"Yes." Sabine waited.

"And you say he is a bit more powerful than your Jedi?"

"Well, yes." Sabine admitted, but hoped she could still convince Reddie to help them. "But…" She started.

"I agree." Reddie said.

"What?" Sabine asked surprisingly.

"I will help you to get the Jedi out." Reddie stated.

Sabine smiled broadly. "Thank you!" She burst out.

Reddie chuckled. "Save that for later, when the mission is accomplished."

Reddie walked on board. The crew was awaiting him already. Ezra eyed him suspiciously, but didn't say anything because it seemed no one else minded his covered face.

"Oh, I see you have the blueprints." Reddie said and sat at the table not caring about the new member of the crew.

"Yes. We do." Hera said and briefly explained their ideas and the mission. "… and Ezra here," she motioned to Ezra, "can use the Force to find the exact position of Kanan. And we thought…" Hera hesitated. "…that you could go with him."

Reddie nodded. "Yes. Your plan doesn't sound bad."

"So you will come with us?" Sabine asked.

"Sure. I did some research and I don't think the Inquisitor could cause much trouble." Reddie explained.

"Didn't you mistake him for someone else? He will cause trouble for us." Ezra blurted.

"You are Kanan's padawan, aren't you?" Reddie asked.

"Yes." Ezra said proudly. "And who are you?" Ezra asked in return.

"Just Reddie." The stranger shrugged.

"It just doesn't feel right." Ezra folded his arms. Something is wrong about him, Ezra thought.

Reddie chuckled. "I had a very similar conversation with your master. You can't see me in the Force."

Ezra's eyes widened. "How do you know? And how do you do that?"

"We don't have time for explanations now. Just concentrate on the mission." Reddie brushed him off.

The Rebels flew near the cruiser.

The Tie was released and sent to land on the cruiser…

All electronics blacked out and all the stormtroopers lost consciousness…

They landed and the crew with Reddie got on board unnoticed…

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