So.. You want to publish: Lexy's self Publishing experiment (book2)

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One-  Why I decided to self-publish:  Day1.... only 154 days to go. 


Traditonal Publication:  When I began to write, I swore to myself that I would never self-publish. After all,  I thought self-publishing  was for losers.  I began to pick up books about the publishing industry.  I read about querry letters, book prospals, and what agents look for in potential clients.  Noah Lukeman, a famous literary agent says he rejects 99.999% of all manscripts that are sent to him.  

 The Traditonally publishing industry is very competetive. Think about it. If most agents reject 99.999% of all manscripts, how likely is it that someone will even accept your manscript?  

Noah Lukeman also says to research your agents and research the types of books that they publish. If they have already published a similiar story, then don't  send your story to them. 

And pretend to care about the accomplishments some agents have made.  It's okay if you don't care. I won't tell anyone. 

Consider yourself the luckiest person in the world if you land a agent in the first year.  Most people write their entire lives and are met with constant rejection. 

Here's the truth:  The publish industry is multi-million dollar industry. If agents don't think your work could potential make a million dollars,  then they won't touch it.

Most agents are expecting an edited manscript.  Amateur mistakes will get your story tossed into the garbage.  

The industry is so competitive. You are completing with the best writers in the wold. Let's face it, everyone wants to be published. 

Big Companies Vs Small companies:

 Do you know why it's a bad time to traditonally publish? The kindle changed the book industry, forever.  Small companies have budget cuts which means they might not have the money to take new people!  And small companies may not be able to afford to advertize your book. 

Becareful with  signing your rights over to a small company.  Research the books that the publishing company has made, ect.  

Signing over to a big company=big money.   If you asked me, "Do you think it's better to self-published or sign to a big company?"  It's better to sign a contract to a big company.  Realitically, it  can be hard to land a contract with a major publishing house.  For instance,  Random house makes 2.3 billion dollars a year in book sales. Yes, I said billion.  There is a reason why all Random House books sell at least a million dollars.  If you sign with a major publishing company, they will make your book sell. The book will sell and they will give you a huge advance.  There's a one in a billion chance that a company like Random house would take your book.  

Major publishing houses are still going strong.  Here's another way to look at it: If you get a publishing contract with a famous publishing house, you are set for life.  Major publishing companies spend up to $50,000 dollars one book. They have a team of editors, book artists, marketing experts, and managers that will work on a single book. 

   But what are this disadvantages of signing a contract with a major publishing contract? You are signing your rights away. You don't own 100% of the story. You own 30% of the book. Most authors are only paid 5% of the book sale and they have some royalities. The publishing companies make more than the author. This is just a fact of the publish industry.   In my opinion, this is also why the publishing industries are not going to last forever. 

Publishing industries are making so much more than author.  It's pretty corrupt, if you ask me.  I'm not a purist.  If I could sign with a major publisher, I would in a instant. 

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