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Hello^^Sorry for not updating, been a bit busy with school but I managed to put together a short update today. Hope you enjoy it and if you do- don't forget to rate!<3

08.11 6 Jan

"We'll split up into three groups to work faster", Serinuma sounded confident. She was a great leader and her friends looked calm under her control. "Diesel, domestic kerosene or two-stroke petrol is what we're looking for, coconut oil could maybe work- that is if we can't find any of the others".

"Where are we supposed to go looking?" Shinomiya looked at Serinuma.

"We're", she hesitated. "We're not entirely sure", she vaguely answered. That didn't please the short boy.

"We can go look at other helicopter platforms to see if there are any left that we could steal from or go to the airport and find some there", old Mizushima added.

"It would take too long to walk that distance, we'd have to steal a car and even with a car it would take a couple of hours", the green haired girl sighed.

"A car is pretty loud", it looked like Kazuma was questioning the idea but a part of Nana could tell that he was considering it.

Nana could feel his legs shaking. Finally, he had a real goal, a goal you could point at. He didn't like it. He didn't want to be there. He didn't want to be saved anymore. He'd rather stay in the city, stay with Kirari. He and Kirari could stay there forever. He would cook breakfast for her every day, not ever complain about it. Fish, she loved fish. And they could watch Puri puri moon on the tv together, why would he ever want to miss that?

"Dumbass, are you even listening?" Igarashi looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Are you okay, Nana?" Serinuma paused and looked at him. He was losing it.

"Sorry, I just... zoned out", Serinuma smiled, Igarashi looked annoyed, nothing new. Kazuma put his arm around his neck.

"Guess I'll pair up with you", he winked. Shamelessly flirting, now? What was going on with Kazuma? He had been jumping sides and personality ever since they had met the others. Kazuma dragged him closer.

"Big brother, you'll have to drive the car", The wait guy, Mutsumi pulled Kazuma away. Mutsumi seemed used to doing it. Suddenly they were all standing in groups, had they just magically moved around when Nana had blinked? Mizushima, Kazuma, Serinuma and the green haired girl who apparently was her girlfriend were all standing together and Mutsumi and Shinomiya were practically touching shoulders. Wait, did that mean..? Nana looked around. Igarashi. Igarashi had a big frown on his face, he didn't even bother hiding it. Twat. Serinuma looked over at the two boys.

"Oh c'mon! Don't be upset, everything is going to go smoothly", she patted Igarashi back. The frown didn't disappear. She handed Nana a map. "This is the building you'll go to".

"Why can't I go with you?" Igarashi groaned.

"I'll be alright, you should trust us a bit more you know", she slammed his back one last time and walked over to the others. Igarashi gritted his teeth. Did he think Nana was enjoying the situation any more than he did? Unlucky. Nana had the worst of luck. Bad luck had surrounded him for years now and he still wasn't used to it. Igarashi. Black locks hanged down, slightly covering his eyes.

"Fine", he scoffed. Igarashi was acting like a little kid. Such a mama's boy, clinging to Serinuma whenever he could. And Serinuma was dating that green haired girl, what was her name? Nishina. Didn't Igarashi realize she was dating? Maybe he was worried like Nana, nothing more.

10.34 6 Jan

Everything just moved on so fast. Shinomiya could feel the bubbles in his stomach, it was like he had drunk sparkling water and that the carbonation didn't go away. Home. Finally, they were going home. Not home- home but safety and that's all Shi could ask for. They were walking towards one of the tallest buildings in the city, it was close to Shibuya which wasn't the nicest place to go to right now. Normally it was crowded but today, hopefully, it would be empty. No creeps, Shinomiya hated creeps- they scared him to death. Mutsumi was awfully quiet, they both knew how dangerous their mission was. All they could do was wish for survival. Mutsumi's steps were loud, the way he moved his body when he walked, how he stood so tall... he seemed confident. Brave. Shinomiya envied him. He was an egoistic bastard who didn't deserve to be taken care of. He was useless to the team. Even Nana was more helpful than him. Shi looked up at the handsome brunette. Gazing up at that beautiful face of his. Mutsumi caught him off guard and smiled. Shinomiya looked away, he was too embarrassed to face him. Mutsumi's fingertips were gently stroking his hand as they swung their arms when walking, then he just grabbed his hand out of the blue. Shinomiya looked up again and Mutsumi's eyes were just looking straight ahead. But he had that goofy smile on his lips. Why did he always do that? Making Shinomiyas heart jump like that. Beating like crazy. He was too nervous to swallow, what if Mutsumi heard it? It felt like Mutsumi liked him, like they really liked each other but no one spoke about it. But he didn't want to take the risk, maybe he only was narcissistic. Reading the signals completely wrong. It would only make things awkward if he confessed and got rejected. And how would he even confess? How were you supposed to confess? Aren't confessions a bit ridiculous, a bit childish by now? Was it still allowed, was it still normal? Shinomiya was too much of a pussy anyway, he should've just appreciated the moment, enjoying holding hands with Mutsumi while it lasted. Those warm, big hands. Those kind smiling eyes. In a world so broken, a world full of chaos- how did Mutsumi still bring him peace. How could a hand, a small gesture just take away Shinomiyas thoughts of death and violence? He felt at home. He felt at home with Mutsumi. He wanted to be safe with Mutsumi.

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