A boy in a frame

494 33 12

19.12 4 Jan

An empty unlocked apartment, they had been looking for one in three buildings already and finally, they found one. They used their flashlights to look around, no food but there were some candles left which they lit up. They checked out the place.

"Let's stay out of the master bedroom", Kazuma said and closed the door behind him. Nana gave him a questioning look. The brunette walked closer and leaned over. "Two bodies are there", he whispered.

"Sleeping?" Kirari overheard him anyway. Kazuma shook his head.

"Dead. Maybe malnutrition. Don't worry, they're not going to wake up, their throats were slit in case they would wake up for some reason I assume", Kirari nodded.

"Wake up? Why would you kill them so they wouldn't wake up?", Nana didn't understand. Kazuma and Kirari looked at each other. There was obviously some information Kirari had left out.

"You don't know? How can he not know?" Kazuma looked at Kirari.

"Explain! What the fuck are you talking about?" Kazuma hushed Nana. Nana was furious, he didn't like being in the dark.

"Stop screaming. You never saw the news? You never heard about the falling? How is that even pos-"

"He was asleep", Kirari interrupted.

"Asleep? That's not possible, you gotta be kidding me"

"What? Kirari told me I slept a few days, what's the big deal?"

"No, no, no that can't be it", Kazuma walked around anxiously, hand itching his scalp. "He probably just hit his head or something?" Kirari shook her head.

"He was one of the first ones to fall asleep. Dad fell asleep at the office so our grandpa came over to help...but then he also fell asleep and soon he woke up. I waited for Nana and he woke up this morning...normal", Kazuma stepped back.

"No way, that's not your brother. You can't wake up normal, I've seen it happen, you wake up like a crazy person, biting people, killing them", he looked at Nana. "It's impossible"

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?" Nana couldn't piece it together. Kazuma looked Nana in the eyes.

"Did you wake up this morning", he asked.

"Yes, so what?"

"What date did you fall asleep?" Kazuma was dead serious.

"Friday, I don't know... 28th I think it was?", It was all a big mess. Kazuma sighed.

"So you really have no idea", Kazuma seemed calmer now. "The 28th was the first day of the falling. People just fell asleep and woke up as those things. No one knows why."

21.03 4 Jan

Kirari was sleeping in the smaller bedroom. He'd rebandaged her foot but it looked bad. He had rampaged through all the cabinets but he couldn't find any medicine. Not even a single aspirin. The bite was all purple, blood and pus mixing together, a grotesque scene. Kirari hadn't complained, she said it didn't hurt but that couldn't be the case with it looking like that. She was deep into slumber now, must've been tired. It was the first time in days she and Kazuma had had a real meal but for Nana, it felt like nothing. The 28th he had ordered some Korean bbq and now he just ate a plate of canned soup. Bitter, gross looking soup. Nana looked around the room, it was pretty plain. A bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a few mangas, books and photos. There was this keychain also, just laying on the desk. Shion. Nana could recognize the character by now, Serinuma never shut up about him. She was pretty cute in that way, never shut her mouth when it was something she was passionate about. Such a cute silly girl. Being in Tokyo always reminded him of her and middle school. He felt a bit ashamed looking through someone's old stuff but he had nothing better to do. He looked at a framed photo hanging over the desk. A rather attractive dark-haired guy surrounded by his teammates. Guess this was his room. Nana opened the closet and noticed some football medals hanging there. Guess he was pretty good at it. He seemed to be around Nana's age so Nana skimmed through his clothes. Most of the thicker shirts where gone but he picked out some. Nana hadn't brought a lot of clothing to his dad's place so he felt lucky that he could steal some from this random dude. Nana changed into a big hoodie and some clean joggers. They were a bit big on him but they would still do. Kirari started to growl in her sleep again. Nana picked up and started to browse thru a manga. He hadn't looked at it to carefully but now he noticed it was a BL, sekaiichi hatsukoi. Dudes kissing and holding each other-

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