Walk little walk

Small talk big thoughts

Gonna tell them all just what I want

That street two streets I see you and me

Hanging on the empty swings

Count high low don't worry my eyes are closed

I'm a superman and it's my show

One shoe two

Gonna kick with my new shoes

I'm going to kick until I need new shoes

Yeah, yeah

I said uh-don't stop, don't stop, don't stop

Talkin' to me

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Giving me things

 "Your dating a spaz." Alfred said to Iggy. Iggy gave him a look, "She is a amazing spaz!" and with that he yelled, "DONT STOP!!" 

Alflred was waiting by the stage while the Dj prepared his song. "Dude, theres like.. a bajilloin people out there." i snorted, "Come on, your the hero. you got dis." i said and i pecked his cheek. "Alfred singing Young Volcanoes." He reluctantly walked on to the stage. As the music began his eyes wre as big a saucers. I stood near the stage, giving him a thumbs up. He nodded, his uneasness fading. He then grinned and sang

When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions

Free of the coliseums

In poison places, we are anti-venom

We're the beginning of the end

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


Come on make it easy, say I never mattered

Run it up the flagpole

We will teach you how to make boys next door

Out of assholes

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


My mouth hung open. "So he can sing." Iggy said next to me. I laughed and nodded. He quickly ran down to me, "How was that!" he asked. I simply nodded and smiled, "you win." i say. Naomi punched me in the shoulder, "You haven't sang yet smart butt!" she whisper yelled. "I dont need to. Alfred was amazing!" i said. Alfred grinned, "I was good." "your were amazing." i said as Naomi pushed me to the stage, "I will not let the boys win!" she said and she selected a song. "Wait!" i said but she had already summited it. "Stella, singing Human." Of course. She picked a sad yet beautiful song.i had heard it a couple of times on my civil twilight album but..."SING!" she said and with that she pulled me on to the stage and placed me in front of the microphone. "stage fright?" i heard a snobby voice say. i sighed as the music began. i let the piano flow though me and i closed my eyes

There's one way out and no way in

Back to the beginning

There's one way back to home again

To where I feel forgiven

What is this I feel? Why is it so real?

What am I to say?

It's only love, it's only pain

It's only fear that runs through my veins

It's all the things you can't explain

That make us human

I am just an image of

Something so much greater

I am just a picture frame

I am not the painter

Where do I begin? Can I shed this skin?

What is this I feel within?

It's only love, it's only pain

It's only fear that runs through my veins

It's all the things you can't explain

That make us human, that make us human

That make us human

It's only love, it's only pain

It's only fear that runs through my veins

It's all the things you can't explain

That make us human, that make us human

That make us human, oh, that make us human

i swear there was tears in the Dj's eyes. 

"YEAH!!!GIRLS WIN!!!" Naomi shouted as i walked over to our table. "It was not boys vs girls." Iggy said. I laughed as they began to argue, then Naomi sighed and prssed her lips agianst his, "Cranky old man." she said. Iggy just nodded. "Alright!! Best group song was Ashlen and Alex, cuz they were the only group!!Tonights king and queen is...... Alfred and Stella!" cheers went up and some yelled "WHAT!!" i laughed. Suddenly Alfreds arms were around my waist,  "How about first lady, i dont do kings and queens." he whispered. i snickered. 

     As we walked into the house Iggy carried Naomi up to bed and Alfred and i ran to the kitchen, "Next time, how about it's just us." Alfred asked. i paused, "Are you asking if i would go on a date with you, and not just to make Naomi happy?" Alfred nodded. I paused, "Hmmmm, how sexy am i....." he gaped and i laughed, "Just kidding! OF COURSE!!!" 

( sorry for not updating in a while. well, hope your ready for them to go back to school. and gods that was long. ugh.)

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