Chapter 10: Bad People

Start from the beginning

Finally, he reaches the gym. The lights were still on. There's muffled noises coming from the equipment room.

"Jun? Are you there?" He asks unsurely. No reply.

Kuroo approaches the closet door and slams it wide open.

There, in plain, bright sight, a guy — one of the basketball players from earlier — has Jun's arms pinned down on one hand. The other hand was placed just under the hem of Jun's shirt.

At that split second, there is an absolute, unrestrained look of fear and panic in Jun's eyes. She looked paralyzed in fear, all of her senses had shut down.

The guy looked up at the intruder, meeting eyes with Kuroo.

It's not until Kuroo opened the door, when the light hits her eyes, did she come back to herself. She freed her left hand and punches the man, square at the jaw.

It's strong enough to send him to sleep.

The stranger falls over to the side and Jun sits up immediately. She hugs her knees, eyes fixed on the floor.

Fuck. Kuroo notices that she's breathing shallowly. He quickly sits down in front of her, lowering himself so that he sees her face.

"Hey, don't worry..." He says in a surprisingly gentle voice, "it's over. You're safe."

Jun averts Kuroo's gaze and looks up at the ceiling. Her breaths are short and panicked. She hastily grabbed her gym bag and fishes out an inhaler. Brings it up to her face with a shaky hand.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Her other hand trembled terribly. Kuroo takes her hand in his as her breathing slows down gradually.

A few minutes felt like forever. But eventually, her breathing returns to normal, and her hands became steady and still. Kuroo still holds onto them hopefully and reassuringly.

The first thing that Jun manages to say was an obvious comment.

"'re dripping and cold." She eyes Kuroo up and down. "Really, really cold."

Jun was not lying — Kuroo was a wet mess — his hair is drenched and the rainwater soaked his jacket drips down to the wooden floors.

It seems that Jun has returned to her normal self. Kuroo managed a breathless, relieved chuckle. "Jun, you scared the living shit out of me."

"Yeah? How do you think I felt?" She retorts.

Before Kuroo could think of a good reply, Jun looks up by the door. "Hey, Kenma." Surprised, Kuroo turns around, pulling his hand away from Jun's.

There is a mildly shocked expression on Kenma's face, his eyes fixed on the stranger passed out on the floor. He walks over to the stranger and kicks the body. It groaned and twitched. Kenma makes a disgusted, "scrunchy nose," face.

"Christ," Kuroo grimaces at the K.O-ed body, almost like a carcass. He makes a mental note to never mess with Jun... unless he is looking to be the next victim.

He shifts his attention to Jun.

"How do you feel?" He looks concerned.

"A little better." Jun manages a small, reassuring smile. "I'll be okay."


"because there are bad people in this world," a tiny and innocent 6-year-old Jun says.

"That sounds exactly like her." The old lady smiles. "Do you think it's true?"

Without hesitation, she nods her head.

"Well, while it's good to be careful, don't have that thought make you live in fear." She closes her eyes peacefully. The breeze feels light, softly rustling the leaves from outside. "With the dark, there is also the light."

"There are good people out there, Jun-chan. You may not meet them now, or in two or three years, maybe not even until you're old like me — but the time will come eventually. I want you to keep believing in the goodness of others— believing that someone will be there for you, one day."

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