Angel Radio

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Your p.o.v.

     Sam and Dean stood there shocked. They had no idea that Castiel was going to propose. They just figured he would give you a normal present like you were just a cute couple. Instead Castiel decided to keep it a secret so that it could be a surprise to everyone, especially you. Surprisingly, Castiel knew how to propose, being an angel and all. You thought that it was the cutest proposal. You hadn't even thought about marriage with Castiel but when put in a situation where he proposed to you, caused you to just automatically say yes, just because you loved him that much. If you had warning, your answer would be the same, but you didn't have time to think when he proposed, so you just, flat out, said yes because you had wanted to marry Castiel sometime in the future.

     Sam was the first to speak. "Wow guys! Congratulations!"

     Dean was still shocked, but gained his breath back and continued what Sam was saying. "Yeah that's awesome!" He paused and looked at Cas who was smiling. "Attaboy Cas."

     "I'm sure Y/N needs to process this so..." Cas said and Sam and Dean nodded. You and Cas walked to your bedroom and you put your hands up to your cheeks.

     "My cheeks hurt because I can't stop smiling." You said and Cas smiled.

     "I need to tell you something, love." Cas said and you nodded as you sat down on the bed. Cas sat beside you and grabbed your hands. "When I proposed, the angels started talking through angel radio saying 'Y/N Y/L/N and Castiel are engaged.' It was many voices saying it at once."

     You looked at the floor and smiled. "They're excited." You looked up at Cas' blue eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Thank you Castiel. For everything. I don't know where I would be without you." You said and Cas wrapped his arms around your waist.

     You lifted a hand and stroked his wing. "I got used to seeing these things on you." Cas chuckled and you kept stroking it. His wing twitched and you smiled. You dug your fingers deeper into his wing and he moaned softly. You giggled and stroked harder which caused him to moan louder. You stopped and pulled away. You gave him strong eye contact and smiled. "I'm ready Cas."

     "As you wish."

Time skip because I don't write smut.

     You woke up to Cas running his fingers through your hair. You smiled and he kissed your forehead. "Good morning love."

     "Good morning baby." You said and Cas sat straight up. He grabbed the side of his head and smiled wider than ever before. "What happened?"

     "A nephilim has come into being." He said happily and you tilted your head. Realization hit you and you gasped.

     "We're gonna have a baby?!" You screamed and Cas nodded. You tackled him in a hug and he chuckled. You jumped out of bed and threw a t-shirt and shorts on. You darted over to Cas and grabbed his hand. You gave him a t-shirt and sweatpants and he put the outfit on. You grabbed his hand again and sprinted into the library. "I'm pregnant!" You yelled and Sam and Dean looked up.

     "Looks like Cas got some." Dean teased and Sam looked at Dean.

     "Dean." Sam threatened and Dean sighed.

     "Alright, alright. Fine. That's great! Congratulations." Dean said and Cas smiled but looked down sadly.

     "Yeah that's great guys. What's wrong Cas?" Sam asked and Cas shook his head as his eyes started tearing up.

     "N-nothing." Cas said and you looked at him worriedly. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers with his. You brought him into your bedroom and locked the door.

     "Please Cas. Tell me what's wrong." You begged and Cas nodded hesitantly.

     "The mother never survives the birth of a nephilim." Cas said sadly as he looked down at the floor. He tried holding in his tears but he couldn't. A few tears fell down his face, and he tried to hide it. Your heart broke.

     "It's okay to cry Cas." You put your hand on the back of his head, and pushed his head behind your shoulder. He grabbed you and squeezed you tightly. He was shaking from sobs and you rubbed his back. "It's okay baby. I'm here."

     "I'm s-sorry. I-" You cut him off.

     "Shhhh my angel. It's okay." You comforted the angel and he sniffled. "I know you feel like you need to be the tough angel that stays strong in any situation, like a warrior of God, but know that I'm here for you if you're stressed or if you need comfort. You have feelings too Castiel, not just humans."

     "I like it when you say my full name." Cas said and you smiled. "Thank you for being here with me Y/N."

     "You're welcome Cas." You paused, not sure if you should say the next sentence. "I know you're upset about me dying after our child is born, but I'll be leaving a legacy. You'll have a reason to live, Castiel. To raise our child. I need you to do that for me. Can you promise to do that for me?" You asked and he nodded.

     "I promise. This time I really do promise." Cas said and he leaned in slowly, pressing his slightly chapped lips to yours softly. You kissed back, full of passion, not wanting to miss any of it. You cupped his face with your right hand and pulled away. You looked into his blue eyes and smiled.

     "I guess I'll just have to live life to it's fullest while this baby's growing." You said while placing your hand on your belly. You grabbed Cas' hand and put it on your belly.

     "I can feel it's grace, one of the first things that developes in an angel or nephilim." He paused while staring at your stomach, deep in concentration. "This baby needs to be born. It's power is good, not evil. If it was evil, I would sense the corruptness of it's soul." Cas said and you smiled.

     "Our baby will change the world for the better." You said and Cas nodded. "Even if the angels threatened to get rid of this child, God wouldn't allow it. God will be able to sense the pureness of it's soul, it's grace." You said and Cas smiled. For once in his life, he knew something great was going to happen in this anarchic world.

     "This pregnancy won't be easy love. This child is powerful. You will have heavier symptoms and a painful birth." Cas said and you sighed.

     "Figures. That's okay because I know I'll be birthing this child for a reason. This child has a purpose. To save this world from more evil."

Castiel's p.o.v.

     I listened to what Y/N said and it warmed my heart. She trusted that her child didn't have a single evil thing in it. She knew that this child needed to be born, or else the world would become even more corrupt. I knew that she was right. I sense that child's soul, it's grace. It was the brightest soul I had ever sensed. It was so pure and beautiful. It was just like my father's soul. Full of love and life and pureness. This child would make the world so much of a better place. This child will be the most important creature on Earth.

     I knew that Y/N was upset about dying, but she was right. She was going to leave a legacy, and I will take care of our child. I will raise our child and love it with everything I have, just like I love Y/N. This child will mean everything to me. I won't let it turn evil. I won't. It will not leave this world falling apart, it will rebuild this world, and eliminate corruptness. This child will be powerful, but it will use it's power in a good way. To save this world from becoming hell. Literally.

     Sam and Dean might not trust this child, but they trust me. Therefore they will have to trust my child. They will learn that this child has nothing evil in it. This child is as pure as my father. It will be the best thing to happen in a world where it's far too easy to do your worst.

     Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story! I'll try to post the next chapter in the next couple of days. Remember to give me feedback about me possibly writing season rewrites of Supernatural starting at season 4. Let me know if I should do it! Thanks!


The Protective Angel (Castiel x Reader) {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang