Going on a Hunt

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Your p.o.v.

You woke up to wings flapping and Cas appeared. You smiled and sat up. "Morning Cas." You stood up and he walked towards you.

"Hello Y/N." He wrapped his arms around your waist awkwardly and you smiled. You loved your awkward, confused, and clueless angel. "I love you as well." Your heart skipped a beat.

"Dang it Cas! Why do you always read my mind?!" You laughed and he smiled.

"I apologise Y/N. I won't read your mind anymore." Cas let go of you and you grinned.

"You can, it's just... You never know what's going on in there." You giggled and Cas nodded slowly. "We can just do it for fun sometime. Okay?" Cas nodded and smiled softly. You grabbed his hand and laced your fingers with his. You headed into the library and sat down. Cas sat across from you.

"We may have a case. It's most likely demons." Sam walked in and sat down next to you. You sighed contently and leaned back.

"It feels good to be back on the job." You said and looked at Cas, who looked worried. "What's wrong Cas?" You put your hands on his and he seemed to calm down.

"I can't lose you Y/N. I just found my soulmate and now she's planning to hunt monsters again, after how much danger she's probably already gone through. It's just..." He trailed off. You stood up and walked around the table. You helped Cas out of the chair and leaned up, kissing him passionately. He kissed back and you wrapped your arms around his neck while he put his hands on your hips. Dean cleared his throat and you put a hand up without breaking the kiss, signaling that Cas needed this moment without any interruptions. He nodded and walked into the kitchen, bickering to Sam about it. Sam shook his head and explained to Dean what happened. You broke the kiss and stared into his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, my angel." He nodded and sat down. You sat on his lap to comfort him and he smiled.

"Thank you Bumble Bee." Cas said and you smiled widely.

"I like that nickname." You giggled loudly and Cas chuckled.

"Good." Cas leaned his head on your shoulder and you smiled. "Please stay with me Y/N."

"I will Castiel. I promise." You paused and leaned back into his chest. "Sam! What's the case?!" You yelled because Sam wasn't in the room. He walked in and chuckled at your position.

"Four Y/H/C haired girls went missing in Las Vegas, Nevada. They all visited the same bar but each on a different night. There was sulfur found at every crime scene and a few people claim to have seen people with black eyes." Sam explained.

"Definitely demons." You said and stood up. "I guess I'll pack. What is it... A seventeen hour drive?" Sam nodded. You packed and got in the Impala. Cas sat next to you and you leaned against him. "Does this bother you?"

"No, it comforts me to know you're with me." You smiled at Cas' comment and nuzzled into him. You planned on sleeping most of the drive.

About seventeen hours later

You felt someone pick you up bridal style and you cuddled into them. You breathed in their scent and realized that it was Cas. You smiled contently, knowing that your soulmate would protect you. Cas set you down on an uncomfortable bed and you buried yourself in the pillows and blankets. You were soon surrounded in darkness, as you slept peacefully.

You woke up to someone banging on the door. You jumped out of bed and grabbed an angel blade out of your duffle bag. You slowly walked over to the door, but before you got there, the door was knocked down. You jumped back, and a man with black hair and black eyes walked in. You slashed your blade at him but he dodged it. You kept trying to defend yourself, but you were getting tired. "Cas! Help please!" You screamed as loud as you could and nothing happened. You threw yourself towards the demon and stabbed him. He screamed and fell to the floor. You collapsed to the floor out of exhaustion and laid there for about five minutes, when Cas appeared. He ran over to you and you smiled.

"I apologise Y/N, I came as quick as I could. Are you hurt?" Cas looked into your E/C eyes with worry. You nodded slowly. "Are you mad?" You shook your head.

"No I'm just exhausted. That demon was really strong." You sat up slowly and took a breath. "It's not your fault Cas. I'm not mad at you. I handled it... Kinda." You looked at his ocean blue eyes and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you as well. How did that demon get in?" Cas asked and you frowned.

"Well, I woke up to someone knocking on the door and I stood up, grabbed my angel blade, and went to answer the door. But the demon kicked the door down and started fighting me so I defended myself." You explained. Cas nodded but tilted his head.

"How do you not have any wounds?" Cas looked proud but worried. You shrugged.

"I guess I'm pretty good at defending myself." You smiled and Cas' worry changed to relief. "I'm okay Cas." He nodded.

"Sam and Dean will be here soon. Then we can hunt the demon." You nodded but became nervous. "What is it?" Cas grabbed your hands and squeezed gently.

"I just, can you just... Stay with me? While we hunt the demon?" You asked but you felt weak and useless.

"Of course Bumble Bee. I know how you feel. You're not weak or useless. You're the best female hunter I know." Cas encouraged you and you blushed.

"Thank you. Now where are we going to find this demon?" You stood up and Cas stood with you.

"A warehouse outside of town. He seems to be bringing his victims there." Cas said and you nodded. "We will meet Sam and Dean there." Cas put his hand on your shoulder and you appeared in front an old, abandoned warehouse.

"Okay then." You giggled and looked at Cas. "I forgot you could teleport." Cas nodded and you headed inside. Cas handed you a spare angel blade and you walked through the warehouse. You heard whimpering in the back so you both walked towards the sound. You entered a room and saw four girls with Y/H/C hair. You looked around and there was nobody in there but the girls. You untied two girls, while Cas untied the other two. You guided the girls out and told them to run into town. They ran and you walked back inside. You heard yelling in the back and you quietly headed that direction. Cas was yelling at the demon about you, while slashing his angel blade at him.

"You almost killed her! I will drag you to hell myself!" He threw his knife down and slapped his hand onto the demon's face, killing him. You stood in the doorway in shock. Cas cared about you that much. Cas looked at you lovingly and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You hugged him back and smiled. "I can't lose you."

"I know Cas. I'm here, I'm right here." Cas sniffled and your heart exploded. He was crying. Castiel, Angel of the Lord, was crying about one single human. "Cas..." You pulled away and looked at his tear stained face. You felt a tear slip out and he wiped it away. "Cas, you love me this much? You're supposed to be the tough angel that doesn't understand human feelings. You're crying about me!" You were sobbing because you had never been loved this much before. He nodded and looked down.

"I love you with everything I have Y/N." He looked up again, and crashed his lips into yours. You were surprised at first, but you melted into the kiss. This was your angel, your one and only, Castiel.

Hey guys! It's so cheesy, it's cute! Comment and vote please! Thank you! By the way, in the gif, in this case he's your soulmate.😉

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