Saving the Winchesters

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Your p.o.v.

     Being a hunter was hard, especially being a shy hunter because it becomes hard to communicate with others to figure out what the monster is, but you managed. You would try your best to get as much information as you could, but sometimes it was difficult and you had to talk to more witnesses. This hunt was one of those hunts. You went to the sheriff's department to ask the sheriff if he knew anything. He told you to ask a couple witnesses, so you headed that way, but the first and second witnesses knew nothing. You ended up going to another witness. That witness knew enough information to cover up the other witnesses. When you drove back to the motel you were staying at, you sat down at the table to research.

     A couple hours later, after going through pages and pages of lore, you figured out that you were hunting a Banshee. Your stomach dropped and you became sweaty. You had never hunted a Banshee before, so you searched through the lore website, aiming to figure out what weapon to use, to kill a Banshee. Every website you searched, explained that you needed a weapon made of gold to kill a Banshee. You searched through your arsenal, and found a golden sword. You grabbed it and looked for the next victim. You drove to the house of the victim and saw a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. You smiled at the beautiful car, but wondered whose it could be. You shrugged it off and ran into the house, knocking the door down. You heard loud bangs from upstairs, so you bolted upstairs, into a room. You saw two men, one was on the ground holding his hands over his ears, and the other one was trying to fight the Banshee. You saw a sigil painted on the wall in blood, so you sprinted over to it, cutting your hand with the sword to activate the sigil. You slapped your hand on the sigil and the Banshee was flung across the room, slamming into the other identical sigil painted on the wall. You ran over to the Banshee and shoved your sword into it's chest. It screeched and disappeared, leaving you standing still, in shock.

     You looked at the men who were staring at you with wide eyes. You were able to see their features now because you weren't focused on killing the Banshee. The one that had been holding his hands to his ears had dirty blonde hair that was spiked up, and green eyes. He was tall, but not as tall as the other one. The other one had brown hair that almost reached his shoulders, and hazel eyes. He was a few inches taller than the other one.

     The shorter one spoke up. "I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother Sam." He gestured towards Sam and winked at you. "Are you a hunter?" You nodded shyly. "What's your name?"

     "Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." You said shyly. He smirked and looked at Sam who shrugged.

     "How is it that you're shy but you're also a hunter?" He asked and you sunk low. You were too scared to look up because they were the first hunters you've met.

     "What he means is, how do you talk to witnesses and relatives, when you're hunting something, if you're shy?" Sam asked softly and you looked up slowly.

     "I manage. Sometimes I have to talk to more people though. I guess it just depends on the hunt." You started opening up to them, but you were still talking quietly. You were doing better than you had expected.

     "Since you managed to use the sigil, and to kill the Banshee without any effort, I'd say you're pretty damn good at hunting." Dean said and you smiled shyly.

     "Thanks." You shifted your weight to one side. "I guess I better go." They nodded and you made your way down the stairs and into your car. They came out after you and called you over to them. You headed over to their car and stood next to them.

     "We were wondering if you would like to stay with us in our bunker. We could use your help." Sam explained and you smiled.

     "I'd like that. Thank you." You replied and they both smiled. "I'll just follow you." They nodded and you traded phone numbers. Then you started following them to their bunker.

     When you arrived, you got out of the car and you looked around. There was a huge building sticking out of the hill. It looked like an old factory. You stared at it in awe and Sam chuckled. "I hope you like reading because there are a lot of books in there." You nodded eagerly and followed Dean inside. When you walked in, you looked over the railing and there was a table with a map inside it. You saw another room that had three tables with a lamp on each table. You saw shelves and shelves of books. You ran down the stairs carefully, and sprinted into the library, dropping your bag in the process. You reached the library and skimmed your fingers over the spines of the books.

     "You're like the female version of Sam." Dean said and you smiled without taking your eyes off the books. "Do you mind grabbing your bag?" He said sarcastically. You giggled and nodded.

     "I'll show you your room Y/N." Sam said and you followed him down a hallway that had identical doors on both sides. He opened a door and you walked in. It was a plain room that had a queen-size bed with gray sheets, a dresser, a desk, and a closet. "The bathroom's right across the hall." You nodded.

     "Thank you Sam." You said quietly, but he still heard you.

     "You're welcome." He smiled sweetly and walked over to the door. "I'll leave you to unpack." You nodded and smiled. You unpacked your small amount of clothes, which consisted of flannels and skinny jeans mostly, and you grabbed your bag of necessities. You set everything out where you wanted it to go. You walked back into the library and saw Sam with his laptop. "Dean's making burgers, I think." Sam said and you smiled.

     "Sounds good." You said while looking around again. You heard wings flapping and you turned towards the direction of the sound. You saw a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a suit under a trench coat and he was shorter than Dean. You screeched but quickly covered your mouth. He tilted his head, and you noticed how beautiful he was. You hid your blush and looked at your feet.

     "Okay Cas. I think you've scared her enough." Sam said while standing up. He chuckled and walked over.

     "Who is this Sam?" Cas studied you and you looked into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

     "This is Y/N. She's very shy, but she's a good hunter so we invited her to stay with us in the bunker." Sam explained and Cas nodded, not taking his eyes off you.

     "My name is Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord." You looked at him wide eyed and noticed huge black wings behind him. You stared at them, and noticed how much detail the feathers had. "Y/N?" Castiel asked.

     "Nice to meet you Castiel. You have beautiful wings." You said shyly and Castiel tilted his head again.

      "You can see my wings?" Cas asked and you nodded.

      "Can't everyone?" You asked innocently. He shook his head.

      "No, only other angels can. Unless you're my soulmate." Cas stated and he slightly blushed. Your jaw dropped and you looked at Sam, who was just as surprised as you were.

     "I'm y-your s-soulmate?" You stuttered and he nodded slowly. "Whoa. That's just... Wow." You were awestruck. "My soulmate is an angel of the Lord." You opened your arms and he squinted his eyes. "Can I hug you?" He nodded hesitantly. You wrapped your arms around his torso and he tensed. He wrapped his arms around your waist slowly and you smiled. 'I think I'm falling for this angel.' You thought to yourself and you squeezed tighter.

     Hi guys! First chapter! Let me know in the comments section what you think. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to read my Castiel Imagines and my Misha Collins fanfiction! Bye guys!  

The Protective Angel (Castiel x Reader) {Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin