⊳BLUE Paint // TFP X Femme!Reader⊲

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~Cybertronian Reader Key~

[A/C] = Armour Colour

[2A/C] = Second Armour Colour

[B/C] = Biolight Colour

[O/C] = Optic Colour

[F/C] = Favourite Colour


[Your POV]

My servos shook as I held the large glass bottle filled with a [F/C] liquid, inside the liquid there seemed to be a tooth or claw. The top of the glass bottle flew off as I used my remaining strength to pop the wooden lid off of it. Sweat dripped down my [A/C] face plate as I may as well have said my last words.. "Here's to a new life."

I drank the liquid and slid down the wall I was standing against, my pedes barely holding myself up. I coughed up a [F/C] liquid that seemed to float in the air, disobeying the laws of gravity. My eyes widened as my strength was returned to my frame. "Hah..hah.." I breathed out of my opened dermas the liquid dripping out of them. "This isn't.. so bad.." I continued looking at my servos, which now had lengthened nails; much like claws. "Actually.. I feel pretty good.." I turned my servos around examining them before bringing them up towards my facial plates. "In fact.. I feel like.." i drawled out of my mouth, the corners tugging upwards "I could -  like I might - no - that I will.." my sharpened teeth seemed to glimmer in the darkened light, seemingly getting dimmer. "Paint the whole town BLUE!" what followed after was a sinister giggle and what soon turned out into a full out laughing fit.

The cave that had collapsed, under me was now cracking up and [F/C] lava was now seeping out of it. Both sides had ceased fire at this point to find the rocks had been completely blown off, hitting a few drones and insecticons. I climbed out of the dust and smoke and looked at Optimus Prime to find him speaking through his com-link "Ratchet-anyone- can you hear me?!".

I ran up to him and grabbed him by his face and lifted him up into the air, before slamming him to the ground with my new-found-strength. "Optimus Prime.." I spoke while looking at his face with dirt around his helm. "Shut your GRATING, robotic, trash - eating RAT mouth." I said pinning him down by his neck with my Pede. I smirked before speaking "I have the STAGE now." my optics widened almost insanely, my smirk now turning into a crazed grin. "Now since I have the STAGE.." the Decepticons and Autobots had begun shooting at me rapidly, but they all deflected and hit them back. "..I think its time I show my APPRECIATION for PRIMUS-" I extended my servo in a greeting gesture before continuing on "-through a glorious theatrical PRODUCTION of my own CREATION!" my pede still placed on the Prime's neck I used my servo to toss him to the side of a tree, his weight causing him to snap it in half. He got up on his Servos and knees only to turn towards me with widened blue optics, at this I smirked. "It's QUITE POSSIBLY a work of-" I extended my servo and my other hung in the air in an almost clock-like position. "PURE GENIUS-" my teeth glimmered in the light as I grinned like a maniac "If I do say so MYSELF!"

My servos faced towards my [A/C] chest plate I intertwined them and in a swirl and a splash of [F/C] lava there was a large battle axe in my servos. It dropped to the floor in my palms and sparks flew to the ground, which was no longer dirt only rock and molten rock. "Let's move onto the next SCENE shall we?" I rhetorically asked my optic ridges pointed upwards a grin placed upon my cheek plating. I swung the axe upwards only to stop midway. "To the audience members that are still ALIVE-" I drawled one of my optic ridges raised and my lips puckered. "Would you all kindly do me a FAVOUR-" I curtly demanded. "- and SCREAM!" my axe raised I lowered it to the floor and with a large CRASH and BANG aswell as a bright flame and spark most of the drones were dead and both sides fell to the floor.

Clapping, I smiled "Brava LOYAL AUDIENCE members! Indeed a SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE!" I twirled around my axe still in hand. "And the star of tonight's GRAND FINALE will be-!!" I heard faint whipsers in the background, Airachnid whispering 'That sounds like!' or Breakdown breathing out 'It-it can't be..' and finally Wheeljack himself screaming out "[Y/N]!!" with his servos cupped around his mouth. I turned around to find him with a worried look placed on his grey face, my crazed smile seemed to grow at his stressed voice. Making a finger gun, i shouted "BINGO!" I giggled a bit at his reaction. "I don't understand.. Why is she behaving this way?! What's happened to her!??!" he screamed out looking at me and Arcee seemed to tug him back "W-Wheeljack there's something VERY wrong here and we gotta' leave! NOW!!" she screeched back at him energon dripping from her dermas.

Optimus had pulled himself up from the tree and fell on his pedes, one servo keeping him up, the STARSABER out in his other servo. "A DRAMATIC turn of EVENTS!" I said both my servos squishing my cheeks in a shocked manner. He lunged at me and everything seemed to be slower than last. "You're just in time-" my axe floated behind me and flames flew from my servos "To see the SUN SHINE!"

I blocked his lunge with the handle of my axe, which he jumped off of and flipped in the air. One of his free servos turned into a blaster and shot at me, I blocked every single one of them by dipping slowly underneath them. There was a large explosion before I raised my servos and satanic symbols seemed to form in between them. Two large clawed servos, made from stone, raised from the ground and seemed to gravitate my floating frame. Optimus's cracked optic observed the lava and skeletons floating in it and he cringed because of the extreme heat radiating off it. A satanic symbol floating and forming behind me, the hands raised me more, boxes and draws forming underneath them and lava filled and poured out of them. I raised my left servo and a large dragon flew up from the ground, lava spurting out aswell. I did the same with my left an even bigger dragon spurted from the rocky ground and lava splattered even more this time around.

I closed my Optics only to open them, but this time, they were completely white and seemed to shine incredibly brightly. Large stone dragons surrounding me in a circle, a massive statue - a replica of myself - raised from the ground, it's arms pointed upwards, the servos cupping my frame in an agressive, but protective manner. I giggled and waved my arms around, almost in a satanic ritual sort of way, this caused the summoning of more stone creatures, this time dinosaurs, drakes and more predators. My hands rested infront of my chest and there were white tribal patterns littering my [A/C] frame. This time a lively white dragonfly flew up from the ground and gave a terrifying screech, its wings flapping; the same happened on the left side of me. The two intertwined with eachother and my sharp teeth glistened in the lighting. My arms were raised in a 'come get me' manner, and the dragonfly's were screeching, screaming, groaning and moaning in aggression. My Optic Ridges furrowed and a smirk placed itself on my dermas, one of my arms extended and my axe followed after. The dragonflies flew forward and they engaged with Optimus and crashed into him and engulfed him in lava. The only thing you could see was his servo grabbing the air as if it was begging to be saved. The star saber flew down and sunk into the lava a bit before it turned to the stone and I collapsed to the floor.


Word Count: 1355

Im so proud of this. It was based off of the webcomic ava's demon. Story line credit all goes to there :)

Random Transformers Oneshots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon