⊳Shatter Me // Decepticons X Femme! Reader⊲

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"Make me feel alive and shatter me!"


~Cybertronian Reader Key~

[Y/N] = Your Name

[A/C] = Armour Colour

[2A/C] = Second Armour Colour

[B/C] = Biolight Colour

[O/C] = Optic Colour


[Y/N], on Cyberton she was the most beautiful Femme around. Mechs would line up to see her face, but one day; she just went missing. She was the small city's beloved jewel, and she just vanished. Everyone searched and searched but to no avail. Later that same day a small glass figure that looked exactly like the [A/C] Femme was found. It was passed down from generation to generation. Finally, somebody smashed the glass object and out came a shattered frame, multiple cracks down their body.

The cracks were most vulnerable at their spark chamber. When Cybetron went dark she was left with no family or friends, that was until she found Shockwave. [Y/N] stayed with the Mech until they went to an Energon source to find a crowd of Decepticons.

They led you to a swirling green portal and you followed Shockwave through the green swirl. She had never seen a groundbridge before, she was scared but amazed at the same time. When she walked through this portal many bots were shocked to see the damage done to her chest plating; multiple fractures and scars across the mass. She listened to the large grey Mech and Shockwave's story. All eyes were on you when he finished, you didn't want to speak so you got out your datapad and connected it to your memories..

You were sat on a desk watching over a Sparkling. The Sparkling got curious and handled your small glass figure, you were dropped to the floor with a crack the ornament was shattered and broken. Glowing dust gathered and swirled before forming a Femme's frame. It dropped to the floor with Energon flooding from their chest they coughed more of the blue substance up. The frame collapsed to the floor before blacking out. The Femme awoke to a destroyed world, they called out and tried to stand up only to fall back down. The Femme had been shattered. You had been shattered.

The clip ended and you plunged your servo deep into your chest, rummaging around for the ornament's shards. You soon pulled out the pieces of glass, covered in energon you showed them to the largest Mech; and cupped your servos around them molding them into a long spear. You threw them at the nearest vehicon, piercing him in the shoulder, he turned to glass and walked to your side.


You had been accepted into the Decepticon ranks a month ago. You hadn't been sent out on a mission yet - but you had helped multiple times in the Med Bay. You were sent with a troop of Vehicons you had turn into glass, to go collect Energon.

You walked into the cave, glass figures following you; your Decepticon Insignia showing proudly on your hip (It was one of the only parts of your body that wasn't shattered). One of your transparent followers had been hurt, you felt the pang in your spark and you ran to the gun shots. Many of the Autobots were shocked to see the damage done to your [A/C] glowing frame, you saw the dead Vehicon on the floor and hot lubricant leaked from your [O/C] optics. You rushed towards the blue Femme that had harmed your creation and glass shards pierced her pedes causing her to fall "Your fault!" you weren't that good at English because of your vocal helm being cracked, but you could understand most words. "Your fault!" you said again before piercing her in the shoulder plate. You were shot in the chest, your most vulnerable spot, the vehicons fell and shattered and you turned into a blue dust and went back into the  ornament you once were.

Echoing voices could be heard coming from the figure "Shatter me!" it said constantly.

"Make me feel alive, and shatter me!" it said.


Word Count: 666


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