Chapter 7

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An- I know u was going to post earlier but I was brainstorming ideas for ways i can make this book go faster and get to the juicy parts 😏😂.

Your POV
Writing in diary-
It's been two years sense we took over the prison. So guy called the Governor tried to kill us all. But he fail horribly. But he did kill some of us. Andrea. I'm 13 now. Well I turned 13 three months ago when it was winter. Now it's spring.ewww. I hate spring. Not my cup of tea. Carl is 16 now and we are getting close. He sees me as a friend tho. Well at least I think. He always calls me his best friend. But i don't know.

"Hey Y/N, lunch is done." Beth walked into my room her new boyfriend by her side, I think his name is Zach. He always guesses what people use to do before all of this. He does it to Daryl way to much. And I can see that it doesn't really bothers him, he just thinks it's funny half of the time. "Oh yeah I'm coming," I said as I stood up. I put my diary in my desk and started walking to the doors that lead out side. "So what did you use to do before this," Zach asked me as I walked beside him. "Umm. I went to school and played a lot if video game, I also loved to fish and camp. I was really anything I was 10 when this happened." I said looking at him weird. "I'm just joking." Zach chuckled and pushed me a little. It felt like he was hitting on me,but I didn't pay no attention to that.

When I got out side the sun blinded me a little. People were talking and having fun. 'It like the apocalypse doesn't ever bother them' I thought as I walked up to Carol and Daryl. "Hey sweetie," Daryl said. Daryl is kind of a father figure to me. "Hey old man," I said as I laughed. "Wow, u know you had a gray hair, so how is old now." He said as he chuckled. "Still u. Anyways u have many I HAD one," I laughed back. "Okay enough you two, if u guy don't stop now u guy will be at it all day." Carol chuckled alittle.
I got my food and sat down at an empty table. Patrick rushed over to me. "H-hey y/n, so wh-what are you doing?" "Umm. Eating." I said as I laughed at his pretty stupid question. It's pretty obvious that he has a crush on me. But I only like him as a friend. "Umm.. S-So what are y-you doing later today. Patrick said in a nervous voice. "Umm. Let me see, well I'm going to help with training with guns, sense the gun we are using are my Beebee guns I packed at the beginning of this to train beginners to use a gun like that properly, then I was thinking about reading this new book that Michonne got for me when she was on a run. It's a really good book so far I have to let you borrow it after I'm down its called The Raft. Then I'm going to help with supper but not right away. They just want me to make the mashed potatoes." I said, "But if we're are going to ask if you want to hang out I can put off reading the book." "Oh really okay," Patrick said with a big smile. "But, you have to attend the gun training." I said with a smirk on my face. "O-Kay, fine." Patrick said in a very shaky voice. "We'll see u I'm 20 minutes," and with that I scarfed down all my food and ran to the field to set up with gun training with Daryl and Michonne.

I hope you likey. I'm really excited to continue this story. Also please go check out OC love story. I really had fun writing that and right now I have zero views. Until next time, By-Bye!

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