The strange man

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The multi-colored rays danced along your face from the giant stained glass windows that lined the walls, waking you up from your uncomfortable slumber. You rolled over to try and get a few more hours of sleep in, but you were met with a muscular bare chest. "JESUS FUCK" you screamed and instantly fell off the bed, waking the sleeping man.

"Could you be any louder?" A sigh escaped his lips. "Could you be any creepier??" Question and sass lacing your words. "You're in my home, so I can do what I want, shadow." Your heart sank from remembering yesterday's events. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your..your mansion." A stutter fabricated your lips. "Calm down, child; I'm here to help you get through the process." Your eyelids closed as you took a deep breath in. "What's your name, shadow." It wasn't a question, more like a demand. "(Y/N) and yours?" He leaned over the bed to look at you on the floor. "Dark, nice to meet you, sunshine." He smiled wickedly. His feet padded heavily against the dark wood floors; he came around the bed and held out his hand. His muscular physique made your breath hitch in your throat. "Just gonna sit there, kitten, or are you going to let me help you up?" He flashed his gorgeous teeth, and you hesitated to take his hand. Soon enough, however, your fingers were laced with his, and you were being pulled from the ground.

"What am I doing here?" You decided it's better to get to the point than just beat around the bush. The question lingered a moment; dark lips separated in thought. "All new shadows come to me, so I get help them through the shock process and teach them to protect your world." You looked at his static-like skin. "Are you.. a demon?" His sigh answered your question, and you backed up to the wall behind you, your fight or flight kicking into overdrive.

"Yes, I am. However, After the mass murder of humans thousands of years ago, I decided to calm down and live here in peace. But when the first shadow came, she told me she felt like this was her home. So far every shadow, like you, comes here. For some fucking reason." He rolled his eyes. "I decided to take them in and guide them."

Your brain twitched at all the new information, you were so focused on your thought you didn't even realize how close he had gotten, his warmth circling you. "You know, I fuck every woman that comes here." The touch of his grey hand touching your cheek made you dart as far as humanly possible from him. "My dear, don't get so- defensive, I'm messing with you." The dark iris that swirls his white pupil looked deep into your (e/c) eyes.

"Come let me show you the castle." At those words, you realized that you never even took time to look around. His room had a ginormous king sized bed, draped in black sheets and red silk comforter. The stain glass windows pictured Dark, nursing millions of humans. You shuddered and turned away. Soon his hand made it's way to the small of your back and pushed you slightly into the next room, soon giving you a tour.

"This place is beautiful.." your wide eyes scanned the mesmerizing scene. Dark looked at you for a moment, simply letting out a "mmhm" and moving on.

"Let me show you something beautiful." He grinned and turned your back facing him. A few seconds later a cold breeze overtook your body as your shirt was ripped away from your flesh. "DARK WHAT THE FUCK." He smiled and quickly grabbed your shoulders, keeping you from moving. His fingers glided up and down your back, stopping at your shoulder blades. Slowly, he pushed down and a wing slithered from the innards of your back. He did the same to the other side, and your glorious black wings stood to behold. "These are the biggest wings I've seen on a shadow." His voice seemed dazed.

"I-I have wings too.." he turned and our shot a pair of bright pink wings. You brought your hand to your mouth, stifling a laugh. He turned back around. "What's funny?" His face dropped. They're bright pink!" You giggled maniacally. "They're cool." Dark pouted. "They're gorgeous Dark." You smiled.

Dark picked you up over his shoulder, still with a pout on his face, and dropped you outside his door and closed it. You were still giggling. For a man you didn't know, you seemed to get along pretty well.

Your wings fluttered behind you, they were pretty big. And your skin was still kind of sore from them suddenly sprouting. You stood and shuffled quietly to the two giant doors that led outside. Quickly your hand pressed against the cool dark wood, and you pushed slightly against them both.

"Leaving me already?" Darks' voice echoed throughout the corridor, startling you. Quickly you whipped around to see him fixing his suit, it almost popped off of his body because it was so tight on his muscles. "N-no, I was just going for a fly.." your heartbeat quickened. "Listen, princess-" he stepped closer to you. "You don't leave me unless I tell you, you can." The seriousness in his eyes and voice told you he wasn't kidding and it wasn't a good time to crack a joke. "O-okay.."

He stepped closer.


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