The Answer (Oscar x Oona)

Start from the beginning

Oscar looked at her a bit strangely at first, but then he was quickly nodding his head with another added smile. 

"Okay," he sort of stammered.

The next day, Oona quickly found out that she couldn't ready anyone else's minds except Oscars, since he was the one she had hit with the gadget. She walked around headquarters for awhile, before meeting up with her major crush. 

"Hey, boss," she greeted, except she was acting kind of shy by then. 

"Hey Oona, is everything okay," Oscar asked, instantly catching onto her strange mood. 

"Yeah," she claimed, cautiously lifting her eyes up to his face. 

"I wonder what's wrong. Normally Oona rambles when she's around me, and she's always moving. That's one thing I like about her, she never just sits around. Why do her brown eyes have to look so beautiful, even when she's upset," Oscar mentally thought. 

"Oscar," Oona addressed him, the blonde scientist shaking his head, since he had been distracted. 

"What," he grinned, trying to act normal himself. 

Oona sighed softly, "You know yesterday when we were putting the gadgets away?" 

"Yeah," Oscar dragged out uncertainly. 

"Well, this gadget went off, so since then, I've been able to read your mind," Oona shared, holding up the device that caused everything. 

"Oh," Oscar stated, his complexion instantly turning scarlet. 

"H-how much did you hear," he stuttered. 

Oona sighed as she looked up and into his eyes. 

"Is it really true that you like me as much as it sounded like you did," she questioned. 

Oscar swallowed hard before nervously tugging on his lab coat out of habit. 

"Y-yeah, I mean... Oona, you're the best assistant I've ever had... Well, you're the only assistant I've ever had, but you're still my favorite. I look forward to seeing you every day, and yeah, but I can't read your mind, so I u-understand if you don't feel the same way...," he trailed off, Oona hugging him out of nowhere. 

Oscar stood there dumbfounded, as he awkwardly patted her shoulders, since she was shorter than him. 

"I wouldn't of had the guts to do that unless I read your mind," she emphasized after she pulled away. 

"I've never met anyone like you, Oscar. You're smart, nice, and plus, you're always giving me compliments," she added with a smug smile. 

"Oh, well... it's nothing," Oscar waved off. 

"Yes, it is. I'm the one who's always saying exactly what I think, but I just can't do that around you, because I like you a lot," Oona pointed out. 

"Really," Oscar asked, tugging on his lab coat more than ever. 

"Really," Oona confirmed with a big nod. 

"So, where do we go from here," Oscar couldn't help but wonder. 

"I was hoping you might say that," she smiled, him confused as she zapped herself with the gadget to fix things, before she walked a few feet away. 

"Take me to the scientists' convention with you. I've always been dying to go," she requested, as she looked back at him. 

"I'll see what I can do, but where are you going," Oscar questioned. 

"I need to write about this in my journal. I record all of the big events in my life," she commented, Oscar half-smiling as he felt a special, warm feeling inside. 

"Hopefully you'll be able to journal at Lab-Con too," he told her. 

"Me too," she replied, before disappearing from view. 

Oscar had no idea that she would have to stay behind to run the lab for him during the scientists' convention, or that she would in fact be journaling next about the first gadget she combined. They also were both blind to how after that day they would no longer be partners, but that didn't matter, because when the time came, they would know what to do. The answer lied in their strong, growing friendship, and their fast, beating hearts.

A/N: I can't tell you how happy I was to finally think of a one shot idea for these two. :D I've wanted to write about Oscar and Oona for ages now. I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so so much! (:

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