“O–o–okay,” Cridifer stammered as tears ran down his mud caked face. 

Using splintered pieces of the water vessel, they managed to paddle themselves to shore. Upon reaching the squishy muddy bank, Cridifer collapsed in grief.

“Oh my brother, my sweet, kind, brave brother! This is all my fault! I should have told him ‘No! We don’t need to go find any missing princess!’ But I didn’t, I was greedy and wanted to live happily ever after!”

Ryder touched his shoulder. “Cridifer, all is not lost. Perhaps he managed to get out of the Swive just as we have? Plus, you told me he could swim. Without the Nalun attempting to attack him, I bet he was able to make it to the shore. Shall we go look for him?”

“Do you really think there’s a chance he survived?”

Ryder reassuringly patted Cridifer on the back. “Of course I do. Come on, let’s—” Before Ryder could finish, he felt something sharp prick him in the back of the neck. Startled, he thought, what the hell was that?

“Ouch!” Cridifer cried out.

Reaching back, Ryder felt a small dart poking out of the back of his neck. As he pulled the dart out, his surroundings began to blur together and his head felt heavy.

As he fell to the ground, his last memory was a small creature approaching him with a large blade held above his head.

Opening his eyes, Ryder experienced momentary confusion. Where am I? He sat up and looked around. Bright sunshine trickled in from holes in the ceiling of a dilapidated hut.

Then the memories of the Nalun attack and being shot with a dart flooded his memory. Attempting to sit up, Ryder quickly realized he was tied up and securely tethered to the ground.

“What the hell?” he muttered as he tried to wiggle out of the restraints holding him hostage.

“He’s awake! The big one is awake!” screeched a nearby voice.

“Hello? Who’s there? Why am I tied up?”

“Pull him up so we may speak with him!”

Instantly, Ryder felt himself being pulled up to a sitting position by many small hands.

Blinking a few times, his vision felt okay, but in front of him stood a small creature.

“I am Albie from the Tribe of Topher! I must know why you were in the Swive River and what business you have searching for the princess!”


“Yes, I heard your orvba friend say that you that you shouldn’t have been searching for the missing princess.”

Grishma (Book One in The Necoh Saga)Where stories live. Discover now